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Trollpak - PDF

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Troll facts, secrets, and adventures for RuneQuest

It's good to be Uz

"Well, Gort, they're finally telling about us trolls the way Uz really are!"

"It makes me proud, Basher! Sure us Uz is tough, and smart, and cultured, but we is also reverent, and decent, and we're good to children who deserve it."

"We always eat our vegetables, too."

"Us trolls is the greatest race. It's important to keep fit."

"I sure like Lisa Free's drawings of us - there's 16 of 'em here."

"And 200 pages of text, handouts, and scenarios, and more than 40 maps, charts, and diagrams. Everything anybody would like to know more about us."

"Only an egghead or an elf could want more."

 Trollpak covers

Partial Topic Contents of this Box: troll mythos, genealogy of Darkness deities, troll language, the Exodus, troll migrations during the Storm Age, eleven troll battles, troll eating habits, trolls in the First, Second, and Third Ages, troll dentition, Genertela at the Dawn, troll philosophy, the Gbaji wars, twins, trollkin life statistics, the curse of kin, Kyger Litor wrestles with Gbaji, measurement of time and distance, six troll types examined, troll senses, trollkin ownership, clothing, troll noises, the Holy Country, troll gestation and lifespan, Blue Moon plateau, funeral rites, posture and body language, the Shadowlands, snow trolls, Pamaltela, Shadow's Dance, Dagori Inkarth, Mistress Race life statistics, elders, Sporewood, Redstone Caverns [sample clan habitat with 9 quarters], troll anatomy and digestion, troll skulls and evolution, the Sazdorf clan [sample history of a troll clan with genealogy and extensive organizational analysis], troll ecology, troll insects, troll tactics, generating troll characters, troll professions, new skills, troll living arrangements, young trolls and family life, hospitality, the cult of Areanea, the cult of Argan Argar, the cult of Gorakiki, the cult of Hunter of Foundchild, updated cult of Kyger Litor, cult of Xiola Umbar, modified cult of Zorak Zoran, industrial insects with statistics, variant troll statistics, introduction to the scenarios, 10 standard troll types, troll caravan, moth riders, locust nomads, Skyfall Lake, the Grog Shoppe, Crabtown, Grubfarm, the flying trollkin, the Sazdorf clan [a large scenario including more than 70 rooms and extensive discussion of troll procedures and defenses], trollball rules, the Sazdorf Whackers & Tacklers, Munchroom caverns A and B, player handouts, a map of Dagori Inkarth and environs, troll drinks, magic mushrooms, 29 completely new Rune spells, nearly 300 individual statistics, 25 types of giant insects, and a trollball field.

The book also includes designer's notes and a detailed index. The PDF is fully bookmarked, with a fully hyperlinked Table of Contents and Index.

Troll Anatomy

What's in the Product?

  • 216 Page PDF with four main sections:
    • Uz Lore (about trolls and their history)
    • Book of Uz (playing troll characters)
    • Into Uzdom (multiple troll scenarios)
    • Munchroom caverns A and B (additional scenarios)
  • 22x17 Map of Dagori Inkarth PDF
  • 22x17 Map of a Trollball field PDF

Map of Dagori Inkarth

Order the classic fold-out maps on Redbubble!

We are unable to add the classic fold-out maps to our printed products. We have made them available to you through our Redbubble store in a variety of formats. Remember, PDFs of the map are included with the bundled PDF purchases.

Map of Dagori Inkarth

What The Critics Say

  • "Chaosium’s Trollpak for RuneQuest was one of the first tabletop roleplaying supplements to describe a single race in detail… both atmospheric and useful, Trollpak sets a standard that is hard to beat even now, and anyone planning a single-race roleplaying supplement would be well advised to study it. There is much here worth plundering."

    — Graeme Davis, My Top 5 RPG Monster Books.

  • "More than anything, Trollpak emphasizes that trolls can be just as varied as human in both action and moral complexity and have an important role in the broader society of Glorantha – they aren’t mere monsters or fodder for adventurer swords... Really an outstanding piece of work from Greg Stafford and Sandy Petersen. A big step, I think, in the evolution of RPGs from meat grinder dungeon crawls to a more thoughtful, narrative driven experience."

    — Vintage RPG, Trollpak Review.

  • "D&D players may have issues with playing races as evil or not, but RuneQuest had it figured out in 1982. These trolls are NOT one-dimensional collections of hit points and potential XP and treasure... There is just so much to love about this product. It is jammed packed full of ideas."

    — The Other Side, Troll Week, Trollpak Review.

  • “A high-water mark in the portrayal of complex non-human sentient species.”

    — Vintage RPG, Vintage RPG.

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Product Footer

Footer Name:[ChaosBrandRuneQuestClassic]

Year Released:
2019 - Original Release 1982
RuneQuest 2nd Edition
Page Count:
Black & White PDF with Color Covers
Greg Stafford, Sandy Petersen
Cover Artist:
Lisa Free
Interior Artists:
Lisa Free, Don Dupont
Maps and Plans:
Charlie Krank, Lynn Willis