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The Grand Grimoire of Cthulhu Mythos Magic - PDF

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Over 550 spells of dire consequences, secrets, and unfathomable power!

Contained within are gathered spells drawn from over thirty years of Call of Cthulhu supplements and scenarios. Each spell has been revised for the Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition game, including optional Deeper Magic for the most powerful of Mythos sorcerers and monsters, with which to beguile and confound investigators.

Chaosium Unveiled: Inside The Grand Grimoire of Cthulhu Mythos Magic

Watch the unveiling video to see the book for yourself. Remember that you get the PDF when getting the physical copy.

Packed full of advice and guidance on diverse matters including spell names, elements of spell casting, magical components, and astronomical considerations. Plus flawed spells, ley lines, folk magic, and the magic of the Dreamlands. Use this grimoire as a resource, a play aid, and as inspiration when designing scenarios. The Grand Grimoire of Cthulhu Mythos Magic is an essential supplement for Keepers of Arcane Lore.

A Glimpse of the Magic Inside

Spell Advice

Advice on Expanding Magic in your game.

Folk Magic

And how to integrate Folk Magic (or not).

Spell - Bind Shoggoth

Spells that should not be cast - Your investigators will face cultists willing to sacrifice their sanity and indeed their very souls to be able to cast terrible spells in the name of their dark and unforgiving masters.

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What The Critics Say

Grand Grimoire ENnie Nomination

Grand Grimoire Reviews

  • "Players have been clamoring for a Call of Cthulhu spellbook for years. Here is, in one single tome, the unspeakable knowledge that is bound to break even the most fortified minds."

    — Antonios S., RPGNet Review.

  • "A treasure trove of info… a near indispensable reference work for practically all Call of Cthulhu Keepers."

    — The Gaming Gang, Thirty Years of Mythos Magicks.

  • "Looks like an old tome of magic - as it should... a great resource when you are running a campaign, and especially when you are writing your own adventures."

    — Geeks-A-Go-Go, The Grand Grimoire of Cthulhu Mythos Magic Reviewed.

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PDF Product Name: [RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha - PDF]
PDF Product Link: [/call-of-cthulhu-keeper-rulebook-7th-ed-hardcover/]

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Physical Product Name: [The Grand Grimoire - Hardcover]
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Product Footer

Footer Name:[ChaosBrandCthulhu]

Page Count:
Mike Mason with Matt Sanderson
Cover Artist:
Sam Lamont and Rhys Pugh
  • Full Star Full Star Full Star Empty Star Empty Star 3
    Good Exploration of a Ubiquitous Subject

    Posted by Nick Ingham on 27th Jul 2020

    Compared to a setting book or a campaign, there's only so good it's possible for a book of spells to be. This book certainly does get to that level. It begins with an overview of magic, both classifying and describing it. And then it collects all the spells - there is more to it than that - each spell comes with a selection of atmospheric variant names, many come with "deeper magic" (more powerful effects that sorcerers and monsters might use), and others with other bits of mechanics and lore connected to their effects. Overall it's a book to be judged on convenience and utility rather than inspiration. Within that caveat, it certainly excels, particularly if you mean to run a magic heavy campaign.

  • Full Star Full Star Full Star Full Star Full Star 5
    Great book

    Posted by Scott Uhls on 6th Apr 2017

    The only negative thing to say about this book is that it's only PDF for the moment (4/6/17). But this book is much needed for the Call of Cthulhu game world. It contains alot of spells, an explanation on how magic works, and also has some really good ties to original Lovecraft stories. One special bonus, the description of magic in this book resembles the kinds of descriptions you would find in actual occult studies in the real world, so it's actually a very nice addition to any normal library. I assume this will cause it to get mixed up with the real world, like the Necronomicon.

  • Full Star Full Star Full Star Full Star Full Star 5
    Fantastic addition to the 7th Ed line

    Posted by Richard Flanagan on 26th Mar 2017

    Nice mix of revised and new material, and the entire book looks beautiful. Cannot wait to have the physical copy on my shelf.

  • Full Star Full Star Full Star Full Star Full Star 5
    Beautifully laid out and useful tome.

    Posted by Brandon O'Brien on 9th Mar 2017

    As title asserts, this is a fantastic addition that i believe will be very useful in my campaigns.

  • Full Star Full Star Full Star Empty Star Empty Star 3
    Beautiful book - duplicate content

    Posted by Craig McCahill on 6th Mar 2017

    This book looks great and I look forward to owning a hard copy. However this is mostly just a collection of spells from the main rulebook and Horror on the Orient Express etc collected together. The new NPC sorcerers do add something (with fantastic illustrations brining the characters to life) - but it would have been good to see more fresh content like this,