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Terrors From Beyond PDF

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Nightmares Unraveled in Six Scenarios

Perched on a bleak and inhospitable rock off the coast of Scotland, the Hallowsay Light has guided sailors for over seventy years. Now its beacon has gone inexplicably dark, imperiling the ships that ply the waters of the North Atlantic. The news has reached the lighthouse tender Helios, already steaming toward the island of Hallowsay for its fortnightly relief of the station. A search party, made up of three volunteers from the crew of the Helios and a relief keeper, is sent to investigate. What awaits them are horrors from beyond!

TERRORS FROM BEYOND is a collection of 1920's and 30’s adventures for Call of Cthulhu, designed for play with pre-generated characters. The book provides fine opportunities for an impromptu game or tournament play and — because the characters are intimately connected with the plot — roleplaying challenges not normally available in most published material. An excellent adventure collection for new and veteran Call of Cthulhu players alike.

GHOST LIGHT: The keepers of a remote Scottish lighthouse have vanished.  What fate awaits those who come to investigate the disappearances?

GRAVE SECRETS: The people of Stafford, Rhode Island, live much the same as their colonial forbears, making only gradual concessions to the encroaching tread of progress. Now, a fate both formless and awful has befallen a family in town. One by one, the children succumb to a newly arrived, yet ancient, menace.

THE DIG: Miskatonic University students on an excavation at nearby Dunlow Woods uncover ancient secrets, murder and horrors from the past.

A METHOD TO MADNESS: The investigators have been committed to a private asylum. Are they really insane? Is their impending cure now worse than their derangements?

DEATH BY MISADVENTURE: Evidence suggests that Charles Stanhope was killed by the accidental discharge of a faulty shotgun at his home in the Lincolnshire Fens. The Coroner's verdict is death by misadventure - but is there a suggestion of something far more sinister?

THE BURNING STARS: The investigators recover in a US Military hospital in Haiti suffering from on-going and prolonged blackouts. The last seven days of their lives have vanished from their minds — is it amnesia, or a fear of remembering?

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Product Footer

Footer Name:[ChaosBrandCthulhuClassic]

5th Edition Call of Cthulhu
Year Published:
Black and White PDF
Page Count:
Gary Sumpter, John Almack, Glyn White, Brian Courtemanche, Brian Sammons, David Conyers
Cover Artist:
Rick Sardinha
Interior Artists:
David Lee Ingersol, David Grilla