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RuneQuest - Gamemaster Screen Pack

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More Than Just A Screen

The Gamemaster Screen Pack enhances your games of RuneQuest with scenarios, setting information, reference tables, and maps that increase the flow of play, and help to immerse you in the mythic world of Glorantha!

What’s Inside?

The Gamemaster Screen Pack is the next step for any RuneQuest Gamemaster. More than just a play aid, the Gamemaster Screen Pack offers a range of RuneQuest essentials.

The Screen

The gamemaster screen is a landscape, four-panel cardboard screen, 34 inches wide and 8.5 inches tall, with an illustration of the famed Gods Wall facing the players. On the Gamemaster side, all manner of important references and summaries of key rules are at your fingertips.

RuneQuest Keeper Screen - Image

RuneQuest Keeper Screen - Tables

The Adventure Book

Queen Leika

Queen Leika

The first half of this 128-page book is a description of the Colymar tribal lands, led by Queen Leika Blackspear. It details the fortress city of Clearwine and its important denizens. Nearby is Apple Lane, a small village with huge problems ready to be solved by wandering adventurers.

The residents and surroundings of Apple Lane are described in detail, making it a perfect location for Gamemasters to base RuneQuest campaigns, establishing the adventurers in a renowned yet manageable hamlet with ample opportunity for great adventure.

Apple Lane Map

Map of Apple Lane

The Adventures

The second half contains three adventurers. You can play them separately or link them together in your campaign.

Defending Apple Lane

The first adventure, Defending Apple Lane, pits the adventurers against a savage band of fearsome raiders.

Cattle Raid

Cattle Raid sends the adventurers to protect a sacred herd of cattle, a seemingly simple task that grows complex when tribal politics come into play.

The Dragon of the Thunder Hills

The Dragon of the Thunder Hills involves dragon magic, old ghosts, and the potential for adventurers to begin all-new cults.

Map, Calendar, and Reference

Fire Season Calendar

Fire Season

Additional materials include a 20-page reference booklet full of charts and references for ease of play, a 16-page Gloranthan calendar, seven ready-to-play pregenerated adventurer characters, regular and deluxe adventurer sheets, squad and a non-player character sheets, as well as fold-out maps of Apple Lane, Clearwine, Dragon Pass, and the world of Glorantha itself!

Runic Inspiration

Runic Inspiration

What The Critics Say

Gamemaster Screen Pack

  • "Congratulations: you have reached the pinnacle of what a gamemaster pack should include, screen included… If you play Call of Cthulhu and you are already using the Call of Cthulhu Keeper Screen Pack, you know what kind of screen supplements Chaosium is capable of producing. Now take that concept to eleven."

    — Antonio S., RPGNet.

  • "If I have a chief complaint with the new RuneQuest GameMaster Screen Pack, it's that it is a very badly named product. Yes, there is a gorgeous gamemaster screen in there, 20 pages of handy reference sheets, sumptuous character sheets, tons of maps, and even a calendar... but what the team have really given us here is a living, breathing culture. The component they humbly refer to as a "booklet" is in fact a 128-page book detailing the lands and peoples of the Colymar tribe. It easily could have been sold separately from the "Screen Pack," but Chaosium has never been big on half measures."

    — Andrew Logan Montgomery, Exploring the Otherworlds of Fiction, Magic, and Gaming.

  • "…sets a benchmark by which every other Game Master Screen and support pack will be measured"

    — Reviews from R’lyeh, RQ Keeper Screen Pack Review.

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Product Footer

Footer Name:[ChaosBrandRuneQuest]

4th Edition Chaosium RuneQuest
Year Released:
Page Count:
128 page adventure book, 20 page reference book, 16 page calendar, 4 panel screen
Full-color with Maps and Handouts
Greg Stafford, Jeff Richard, Jason Durall
Cover and Screen:
Andrey Fetisov
Kalin Kadiev, Michelle Lockamy, Eli Maffei, Simon Roy
Olivier Sanfilippo, Tobias Tranell, Josephe Vandel, Darya Makarava
Deluxe Adventurer Sheet:
Francesca Baerald
Design & Layout:
Simeón Cogswell, Michal Cross, Rick Meints
  • Full Star Full Star Full Star Full Star Full Star 5
    So Useful!

    Posted by Brian Sailor on 17th Oct 2023

    This is an essential RuneQuest Glorantha purchase for game masters. The Adventures Book alone is worth the price. The GM Screen is gorgeous!

  • Full Star Full Star Full Star Full Star Full Star 5
    Gamemaster Screen Pack

    Posted by Juuso Welin on 25th Oct 2021

    The GM screen itself is nice, but it's the rest of the package that is the reason of my rating. The background info on Colymar tribe and land is absolutely fabulous. The rumor table is fascinating. The plots of the adventures make it possible to play railroading or more freely - either way they are nice sets of varied type of scenes nicely put together. The pregen PC's are great if you like using pregens. The most important tables are conveniently compiled to a leaflet. One of my best RPG buys ever!

  • Full Star Full Star Full Star Full Star Full Star 5
    A highlighted bit of a dense world...

    Posted by Adrian Lopez on 22nd Jun 2021

    The issue I have with Runequest is how deep the lore and exposition go; it can be overwhelming! This could be a turn off but because of the cleverness of the designers making the world building play a factor in the gameplay via passions, runes, homelands, tribes and cults, the journey of understanding Glorantha is much more rewarding. However, the curve is still quite steep, almost cliff-like... That's where the Game master screen pack comes in! This pack of goodies makes the learning process simpler by focusing on the 'default' homeland of Sartar and the 'default' Colymar tribe. They give you a breakdown of the homeland and tribe, 3 specific scenarios, a plethora of adventure seeds, and a rumor chart that ranges from goofy, to scary, and even with a guide as to whether or not the rumors are true, false, or something else. It's great! Once you understand the standard experience and expectations of Glorantha (and thus, Runequest), you can then extrapolate and expand more effectively with the rest of Glorantha. 5/5 easy.

  • Full Star Full Star Full Star Full Star Full Star 5
    Massively useful for its size

    Posted by Diana Probst on 22nd Dec 2020

    The GM screen and the calendar are my most used items from this pack, but the scenarios and the world-building have introduced several of my RPG groups to Glorantha, and they all love it. It's fab. It's the next thing you should get if you've got the main rulebook; three complete adventures and a load of plot hooks are just part of the joy. Get it. Use it.

  • Full Star Full Star Full Star Full Star Full Star 5
    RQ Gamemaster Screen Pack

    Posted by Christopher Regan on 1st Sep 2020

    Packed full of useful things. I had no idea it wasn't just a screen! Very, very pleased!

  • Full Star Full Star Full Star Full Star Full Star 5
    Much more than i expected

    Posted by Dan on 20th Aug 2020

    A great product, the GMs screen is really lovely but what surprised me was the 128 page scenario pack which is really good.

  • Full Star Full Star Full Star Full Star Full Star 5
    The value is not what's on the surface

    Posted by Caleb Majeski on 18th Aug 2020

    In my view, the value of this pack comes in the form of the accompanying booklet, which contains not only three introductory scenarios, which upon playtesting at my table, can confirm make a strong introduction to both the world of Glorantha and the mechanics of the game, but in all of the extra information about the immediate surrounding area, which allows tables to construct true sandbox style of play out of the assembled pieces, complete with meaningful and memorable NPCs. Also, prewritten statblocks ready for tweaking, reskinning and reuse are worth their weight in gold for an RQ gm, and I would highly recommend it on those grounds alone.

  • Full Star Full Star Full Star Full Star Full Star 5
    Great resource pack, screen and scenarios

    Posted by Tim Clark on 18th Aug 2020

    Really compliments the main new Runequest books and all the materials are beautifully presented.