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Rivers of London: The Font of all Evil - PDF

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Murder and Mayhem Beside the Thames

What's Inside

The Font of all Evil is a stand-alone scenario for Rivers of London: the Roleplaying Game based on the novels by Ben Aaronovitch.

A Gruesome Murder

Letters for a font set

Thursday 19th May, 2016: you have been called in to investigate a gruesome murder scene in Ealing, West London.

The local police were so concerned by the odd nature of the victim’s injuries that they called in the Folly to investigate. But how did the victim die? Why does their home look like a hoarder’s nest? Most importantly: why would somebody want them dead?

Can you crack this case?

London Map

A Good Introduction

An investigator going to a door

The Font of All Evil is an ideal alternate introductory case file, or it can be used as a follow-on scenario to The Bookshop or Going Underground.

Guidance is also provided on running investigations with violence for groups that would prefer not to focus on the more gruesome aspects. Gore is not everyone's cup of tea!

GM advice

Downloads for this Product

Players Handouts and Maps
Plain Text Handouts
NPC Portrait Pack
GM Maps and Diagrams

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Product Footer

Footer Name:[ChaosBrandRiversOfLondon]

Rivers of London
Full Color PDF
Year Released:
Page Count:
Paul Baldowski and Lynne Hardy
Cover Artist:
Lin Hsiang
Interior Artist:
Kurt Komoda and Sabina Lewis
Fleur Sciortino
Maps and Handouts:
Riku Similä and Alberto Bontempi
Copy Editor:
Rachel Wolfe
Daria Pilarczyk