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Plunder - PDF

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A RuneQuest Book of Treasure!

This Book contains 640 pre-generated treasure hoards and 43 magical treasures of Glorantha for use in any RuneQuest campaign.

The treasure hoards of monsters are arranged by treasure factors, ten tables in all. They specify how many Clacks, Lunars, Wheels, gems/jewelry, and special items each hoard has accumulated. There are also a special gems/jewelry table and special items table.

The second edition of Plunder gives detailed descriptions of many of Glorantha's magical treasures. Each has notes on physical appearance, relationship to various cults, extent of public knowledge of the item, history, procedure for making items that can be made, its powers, and its value.

All items in Plunder can be used in any RuneQuest campaign, Gloranthan or otherwise. Surprise your adventurers with a gift of treasure.

Rhino Fat treasure example

Note: This is a fully-remastered PDF true to the original printing.


What The Critics Say

  • "As treasure books go, this is a pretty good one, especially considering how early it is in RQ’s history... there are some delightfully weird things in here. "

    — Vintage RPG, Plunder Review.

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Product Footer

Footer Name:[ChaosBrandRuneQuestClassic]

RuneQuest 2nd Edition
Black & White PDF
Page Count:
Date Published:
1980, remastered 2016
Rudy Kraft
Cover Artist:
Rick Becker
Interior Artist(s):
Rick Becker