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Perilous Forest - PDF

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Many Quests, Ferocious Dragons, Devastated Lands, Hadrian's Wall, & a guide to the King's Highway

Perilous Forest is a supplement for the King Arthur Pendragon roleplaying game system. It includes three major adventures, and extensive background for western Cumbria and the Perilous Forest. These adventures are arranged as a linked campaign along the King's Highway from Eburacum to Carduel. They can be played individually without adjustment. Player handouts are provided, as are a detailed map of western Cumbria and another of Hadrian's wall, showing cities, wall conditions, and other notes for the time of Arthur.

The Adventure of  the Perilous Forest - This adventure aims to reflect something of the circular narrative of many extant medieval tales. It is intended to be a partially frustrating but ultimately solvable puzzle, the solution to which is found not through guile, but action, decision and character.

The Adventure of the Waste Lands - Several linked adventures in the lands devastated by the Dolorous Stroke. Are your knights brave enough to face what is in this shunned land?

Note: This is a Bookmarked Scan of the original printed product

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Physical Product Name: [Paladin Adventures - Hardcover]
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Footer Name:[ChaosBrandPendragonClassic]

4th Edition Pendragon
Black & White PDF Scan
Year Released:
Page Count:
Peter Corless, Ceoff Gillan, Sam Shirley, Greg Stafford, Michael Trout
Cover Artist:
Stephen King
Interior Artist:
Arnie Swekel, Gus diZerega, Peter Corless, Darrell Midgette, Terri Midgette