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Nations of Theah: Book Three - Montaigne - PDF

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"When the sun sets, the land will run red with blood."
— Lady Jamais Sices du Sices

This is truly a golden age. Montaigne stands on top of the world, and no one can challenge her authority. The limitless gold that pours from the Empereur’s coffers fuels the war against Castille — a war which can only end in victory for Montaigne, and the destruction of the Empereur’s most bitter enemy, the Church itself. Beneath the surface, however, dark forces have begun to stir, and the voices of a thousand spirits cry out for vengeance!

The Montaigne sourcebook includes:

  • Information on the fifteen provinces of the Empire of the Sun King, complete with history, background information, and prominent personalities.
  • Tips on playing the most dangerous game of them all — courtly intrigue.
  • A wealth of new rules: fighting schools, new uses for Porté, Montaigne Puzzle Swords, and L’Empereur’s Musketeers.
  • Descriptions of the native ghosts and spectres, a two-page map of the Montaigne capital, and more!

Montaigne Soldier

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Product Footer

Footer Name:[ChaosBrand7thSeaFirstEdition]

Rule Set:
1st Edition 7th Sea
Year Released:
Black & White PDF
Page Count:
Kevin Wilson
Cover Artist:
Terese Nielsen
Interior Artists:
Cris Dornaus, Ramon Perez, Paul Daily, Dærick Gröss, Paul (Prof) Herbert, Rob Hinds, Kevin Sanbourne