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Khitai Core Rulebook - PDF

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7th Sea: Khitai is a standalone tabletop roleplaying game of action, drama, danger, suspense, and heroism in a world inspired by mythic, fantastical Asia.

The Duel

What's Inside? 

A Stand-Alone 7th Sea Experience

Khitai Musician

Bring the unique mechanics of epic adventure and heroism to a whole new setting with the Core Rulebook for a new line of 7th Sea products. Complete rules for creating unique characters including Samurai, Raiders, Kickboxers, and Sorcerers. 7th Sea: Khitai also includes new rules for Dueling Styles, Advantages, Villains, Brutes, and Magic—Khitai’s version of Sorcery.

Blade Magic

A World Beyond Theah

The World of Khitai

Take your campaigns to new and fantastical lands inspired by ancient Mongolia, Japan, imperial China, Korea, Thailand, and India. In-depth background and history for all these lands help you segment your campaign and bring your 7th Sea: Khitai characters to life. 


Expand Your 7th Sea Game

A warm greeting

7th Sea: Khitai is completely compatible with all other 7th Sea books, but does not require any of them. Bring your characters across the high seas to the shores of these never-before-seen lands, or venture on an epic campaign from the world of Khitai to the distant continent of Théah. 


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Villain Sheet

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7th Sea 2nd Edition
Year Released:
Full Color PDF
Page Count:
Mike Curry, John Wick, Tobie Abad, Leonard Balsera, Elizabeth Chaipraditkul, Carly Ho, James Mendez Hodes, Shoshana Kessock, Kit la Touche, Craig Page
Bad Moon Art Studio, Carlos Cara Álvarez, Giorgio Baroni, J B Casacop, Andrew Cefalu, Charles Creber, Rita Fei, Bien Flores, Daniel Jimbert, Tania Kerins, Mirco Paganessi, Paolo Puggioni, Tek Tan, Jon Taylor, Kim Van Deun, Chris Waller, Mateusz Wilma
Graphic Design:
Thomas Deeny, Robert Denton III
Robert Denton III