The Classic Call of Cthulhu campaign spans the European continent in luxury!
Horror on the Orient Express is back in print with a reformatted two-volume set, making it more digestible than ever! This is a Black and white reprint of the 2014 boxed set, reformatted into two hardcover books.
Chaosium Unveiled: Inside Horror on the Orient Express
Watch the unveiling video to see the book for yourself. Remember that you get the PDF when getting the physical copy.
What's Inside
Three identical men found dead in the same room of the Chelsea Arms Hotel. Each of them stabbed through the heart. The unexplained killings see the investigators embark on a thousand-mile journey on the legendary rail service to Constantinople—the Gateway of the Orient.
The Definitive Edition

Back with an updated layout, the entire campaign is now spread across two epic hardback volumes, and includes a fold-out map of the route across Europe. This is the definitive edition of Horror on the Orient Express.
A Legendary Campaign

19 scenarios across 700 pages, Horror on the Orient Express is a modern classic. The adventure takes the intrepid investigators from London, to Paris, and to the ancient city of Constantinople.
A Tale Spanning Time and Space

Optional scenarios set in in the Dark Ages, Gaslight Era, and the Dreamlands, allow players to experience the origins of pivotal moments of the campaign. Additionally, a scenario set in the modern day acts as an epilogue to the generation-spanning story.
All the Tools you Need

Premium maps, player hand-outs, and full details on all NPCs and monsters make running the campaign easier than it’s ever been.
Downloads for this Product
Order a large printed map on Redbubble!
We have made them available to you through our Redbubble store in a variety of formats. Remember, PDFs of the maps are included with the bundled PDF purchases and a foldout-map on the hardcover version.
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What The Critics Say

GOLD WINNER - Best Adventure, 2015 ENnie Awards
SILVER WINNER - Best Production Values, 2015 ENnie Awards
Truly fantastic
— Diehard Gamefan, Horror on the Orient Express Review - Digital Edition Review.
"The biggest and most grandiose campaign ever composed for any game… a must-own campaign. It is not just the grandeur, the scope, the high-quality writing or the fact that it epitomizes many of the values of Call of Cthulhu and the horror genre overall. It is the sheer immersion, the entertainment value it provides when played to the level it deserves…
— Antonios S., RPGNet Review.
"I am pretty confident that this is the best Call of Cthulhu campaign Chaosium has ever produced... The thought and work that went into this turned a pretty good campaign into an epic one. I truly cannot think of anything that rivals it in scope."
— Vintage RPG, Horror on the Orient Express Review.
"The most ambitious Call of Cthulhu adventure ever created… a high water mark for CoC."
— Black Gate, Horror on the Orient Express Review.
"A must-own campaign"
— Antonios S., Review of the Horror on the Orient Express Review - 2021 Reprint.
“Every player has their own favorite CoC scenario, but a surprising number of them have Horror On The Orient Express in their top three, and it's easy to see why.”
— The Gamer, "Call Of Cthulhu: 10 Best Scenarios".
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- 9781568823805
Fantastic campaign that benefits from some rewriting
As you may already know, Orient Express is a Chaosium classic and a true gem in the TTRPG hobby. The concepts are creative, the story is fantastic, and the monsters are scary. The execution is... middling, depending on the chapter. Most of the chapters are great, tightly-written investigations (Venice, Trieste, The Blood-Red Fez, etc). However, there are some exceptions to the rule -- several chapters could do with a rewrite (most infamous is the Milan chapter). That said, this is still a 5-star product and I have had so much fun with it that I would happily buy any revised edition that Chaosium produces without any qualms. It's that good.
The contents are superb…despite quibbles about this or that, we know the adventure within is CoC canon. My complaint is with the binding of the edition I received from Chaosium. The covers and back look fine, but the binding itself is of very poor quality. The spines of this two-volume set are plain black and white, like some economy brand cereal box, and look terrible and out-of-place among the rest of my library. And the glue itself has already cracked, and the binding has loosened considerably and begun to warp at the top after merely sitting on the shelf. Disappointing for a pricey purchase…if there is a word of warning on the item page, I missed it…and I do not know if this is a standard presentation, but Chaosium really should change this approach. In my opinion.
If you're wondering if Orient Express is worth the money; it is. This is a fantastic campaign that I almost regret reading as I already know what's going to happen to the players! Part of me wishes I could forget it all to experience this campaign from the player's side. The campaign is superb, my group love it. I will say this - if you're getting HotOE, buy Reign of Terror as well. It adds a fantastic piece to this campaign; if you don't play it you are missing out.
HotOE in Hard Cover!
Each of the two volume set is 1" thick. Interior is B&W, but photos and some maps are a bit muddy/murky compared to the PDF images which are crisp and clean. For example Vol 2, p.23, p.26, p.206 or the Gremanci Doll Works map. It seems like Vol 1 is printed better than Vol 2 and has better contrast. I prefer a HC vs the individual softcovers from the original KS in 2014. This is one of the top 3 campaigns for CoC. In the secondary market, the out of print 1st and 2nd boxed set editions go for at least 3x the price of these HCs. This reprinted edition is already converted to 7e with some minor issues as this came out the same year as CoC 7th in 2014. It is unknown when a new Mike Mason full color treatment of this campaign will come out. Most likely in another 4+ years.
Great product, no bookmark :(
Gosh what great books! Despite the quality of some of the contained images, these books maintain a professional quality native to most Chaosium products. My single qualm with this massive adventure is the lack of bookmarks within the hardcovers, but I have extra :)
Patientia Omnia Vincit
Patience is a virtue and for all those who missed out on HotOE 2nd edition first time around, here is your reward. This two volume set is arguably the most approachable (and convenient) way to fully digest this massive campaign. Within these two sewn bound hardbacks (complete with bookmarks) you will find the nineteen scenarios and all the introductory material, handouts and maps contained within the six soft bound books of the original 2nd edition. Remember those "Strangers on the Train"? The Sedefkar Simulacrum, the Scroll of the Head? They're all here. What's more, purchase direct from Chaosium and you'll receive a comprehensive list of PDFs containing every single map (and there are lots of them!) in full colour, the postcards, the stickers and - you guessed it - the matchbox! More importantly, you'll also receive The Traveller's Companion - a forty-plus page handout to give to your players at the start of their monumental journey. Everything that was in that famous big box is once again at your fingertips, and the price is a steal (Ebay and elsewhere will charge you a fortune). So, buy yourself a ticket and jump back on board or, if this is your first time on the train, get ready for the journey of a lifetime and one of the great roleplaying experiences. Coda: let us talk about Chaosium's unrivalled Customer Service. A minor issue with one volume had me contacting customer service hoping for a single replacement. Within 24 hours, another FULL SET of books was at my door (if those three words remind you of another classic CoC supplement then you've been around as long as I have). Chaosium not only make great games, they go above and beyond for their gamers. Support them.
First of all, the delivery was spot on! When purchasing this item, I thought I would have to wait weeks and encounter EU delivery issues (I live in the UK). However, the intern arrived 2 days after I purchased it! The packaging was sturdy and the 2-book delivery was great. The item itself is beautiful, including the map of the train journey through Europe and beyond. The instant PDF’s from chaosium are perfect for printing and giving to players. I think I’ll be buying a lot more from Chaosium direct from now on!