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Daughter of Fate - EPUB

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Set in the world of 7th Sea,
The Daughter of Fate tells the story of Elena Mondavi

The fate witches possess a fearful gift: the ability to see and manipulate the invisible threads that bind humanity. They are kept isolated from the world, living in servitude and obedience to those who would control their power.

Elena Mondavi lived the quiet life of a fate witch… until an abduction thrust her into a world of action, intrigue and danger. How did Elena, the bound daughter of a Vodacce merchant, become a pirate on the Atabean Sea, an explorer of Syrneth ruins and a spy for the Avalon Throne?

This is a part of a series of stand-alone novels by John Wick set the world of 7th Sea, a tabletop roleplaying game of swashbuckling and intrigue, exploration and adventure.

It is a world of sharp blades and sharp wits, where a cutting retort can be just as deadly as a sword’s point!

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Product Footer

Footer Name:[ChaosBrand7thSea]

Year Released:
Black and White ePub and PDF
Page Count:
John Wick
Cover Design:
Inkspiral Designs
Nicholas Nacario, Nick Brooke
Susan O'Brien