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Cthulhu by Gaslight: Investigators' Guide - PDF

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Adventure, Mystery, & Horror in the 1890s

In the Sewers

What's Inside

Cthulhu by Gaslight takes the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game to the fog-shrouded streets of Great Britain and beyond.

A New Setting

Cult Monsters

The 1880s—Victorian England. Mystery and adventure in fog-shrouded streets and alleyways. Secret cabals commit grisly murder, wicked crimes, and pledge to bring about the ruin of civilization—all within the square mile of the City of London.

Map of London

The Complete Rules


Cthulhu by Gaslight is a stand-alone game, and contains the complete rules for the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game, including character creation. You do not need a copy of the Call of Cthulhu: Keeper Rulebook or Call of Cthulhu: Starter Set to play. The Cthulhu by Gaslight: Investigators’ Guide can be enhanced with the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game as well as the Pulp Cthulhu supplement, both available separately.

A Cthulhu Statue

Everything You Need

Facing a Skeleton

A complete list of weapons and equipment appropriate for the Gaslight-period. Rules for exploring in the 1890s, and extensive information on Fringe Science and the Occult practices of the time. The book also includes 10 pre-generated Cthulhu by Gaslight Investigators.

The Faeries


Downloads for this Product

Blank Investigator Sheets
Gaslight London Map 16”x20”
Player Maps Pack
Pregenerated Characters

What The Critics Say

  • “The new Gaslight supplement is a beautiful book, filled with exhaustive research that's fully applicable to playing Call of Cthulhu in this setting… I love how they've expanded the game to involve characters from all classes of society; games can be like Dickens novels! Good show, Chaosium, good show!”

    — Sean Branney, H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society.

  • “Masterful… a must have.”

    — Susurros desde la Oscuridad, Cthulhu by Gaslight Investigator's Guide.

  • “One of my favorite settings is the Gaslight era (late 1800’s), which puts the Cthulhu Mythos in the same time as Jack the Ripper. Cthulhu by Gaslight Investigator’s Guide is basically the 7E based rules for running the game including character creation, skill use, setting background, combat and more… an absolutely fantastic book.”

    — EuroCultAV, EuroCultAV Holiday Gift Guide 2024.

  • “Cthulhu by Gaslight is a robust product, and players will be spoiled with new material if they want to take on the 19th-century Lovecraftian horrors.”

    — The British Fantasy Society, Cthulhu by Gaslight: Investigators’ Guide by Barton, Hardy, Mason, McDonald, Ross and Wade.

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Product Footer

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Year Released:
7th Edition Call of Cthulhu
Page Count:
Full Color PDF
Keris McDonald and Mike Mason
Additional Authors:
William A. Barton and Kevin Ross, David Wade, Lynne Hardy, Russell A. Smith, Violet Fenn, Rodney Basler, VJ Kopacki, Garrie Hall, and Jason Bell
Cover Artist:
Loïc Muzy
Interior Artists:
Hannah Elizabeth Baker, Bloom Báirseach, Alberto Bontempi, Tom Brown, Yannis Cardin, JB Casacop, Caleb Cleveland, Alice Duke, Chris Huth
Interior Artists (2):
Bethan Jones, Symon Leech, Louie Maryon, Joshua Meehan, Sarah Miller, Wayne Miller, Lachlan Page, Riley Spalding, John Sumrow
Alyssa Faden and Matt Ryan
Chandler Kennedy