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Book of Battle - 2nd Edition - PDF

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A Stunning Update to a 5-Star Rated product! With brand new graphics, layout and design!

Deadly, brutal mass mayhem at the behest of his lord is a knight’s duty. When thousands of men gather to kill and die, your knight can now lead the way. Battle is the never-ending scenario, the adventure that is repeated a hundred times, different every time.

This book is about your small unit amidst the dust and blood as hundreds of knights as confused or brave or murderous as you confront their fate with weapon in hand. Battle resolution uses the existing King Arthur Pendragon rules system, allowing you to concentrate on the over two dozen tactical maneuvers at your disposal.

The system allows your knight to be involved throughout the battle.

And yes, you can turn the tide of battle, for better or worse!


  •  Clarified and refined rules. Many changes based on extensive playtesting and feedback from the KAP community.
  • Step-by-step instructions for various extended melee phase scenarios.
  • New Battle Record sheets for Gamemasters, Unit Leaders, and players. 1-page reference sheet for players.
  • Step-by-step tutorial of the Battle of Mearcred Creek.
  • All-new Saxon army for beginning battles.
  • Lots of new artwork!

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Footer Name:[ChaosBrandPendragon]

Nocturnal Media
5th Edition Pendragon
Year Released:
Black & White PDF
Greg Stafford
Interior Artist(s):
David Zeeman, Malcolm Wolter