What NetGalley reviewers say about Chris Gidlow's 'Arthur the Soldier'
Posted by Michael O'Brien on 15th Dec 2024
NetGalley is the site where publishers and authors can provide advance review copies to book advocates and industry professionals. We did just that with Arthur the Soldier, the first title in our new line of Pendragon Fiction. Here's what reviewers had to say about the book. You can read their full comments at the links.
Arthur the Soldier is out now in general release. If you read it and like it, we encourage you to give it a rating and write a review too!
“A worthy new entry to Arthurian Lore... I encourage Arthurian buffs and fans of heroic literature to read this delightful addition to King Arthur's fascinating world.”
— Jeffrey Bampos
“A fascinating read… this was a studious work of Arthurian lore, the author is clearly at ease and well-versed in this period of history, the early medieval, as well as the Arthurian Legend.
— Dr. Brandon Neff
“A strong start to the Ruin of Britain trilogy.”
— Kathryn McLeer
"Stories of Arthur seem to be becoming a bit of a crowded field. This one though stands out in a couple of ways. It is deep rooted in post Roman history, with Britain's Dark Age as much a character as Arthur himself. Arthur is well presented, an ex-soldier of Rome returned home to bring the light back to his land... Would recommend.”
— Adam Lofthouse
"This book was interesting. It was obviously really well researched and you could tell that the author had a huge amount of knowledge about Arthurian legends and Roman Britain.”
— Garrett Keenahan, Librarian
“A unique perspective and retelling of the original story.”
— Vanshika Sakal
Arthur the Soldier is available now in print, pdf/e-book, and Kindle formats.
- Chaosium (print and pdf/ebook)
- DriveThruRPG/DriveThruFiction (pod and pdf/ebook)
- Amazon Kindle
ISBN 9781568824758
MSRP $19.99
350 pages
Trade Paperback
By Chris Gidlow
Cover design by Inkspiral Designs and Simon Bray