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Round Table Roundup #1 - the inaugural titles in The Companions of Arthur, our new community content program for independent Pendragon creators

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 14th Oct 2024

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The Companions of Arthur is Chaosium's community new content resource for TTRPG content for the Pendragon roleplaying game. In these Round Table Roundup posts we'll highlight new releases in the program - here are the inaugural titles!

The Barnyard Tournament

The Barnyard Tournament
David Zeeman ($9.99/$15.99, 81 page PDF/Softcover)

Each Pendragon Period is marked by its defining spirit. In the Boy King Period, the young King Arthur must leave behind his childhood, take up the heavy mantle of the Pendragon, and fight to secure his kingdom against numerous enemies.

In this Boy King Period adventure, three mysterious ladies intercept a group of knights on a scouting mission for King Arthur. They offer the knights a curious quest: to guide a young, fatherless lord on his path to knighthood and defend his manor from an impending Saxon raid.

Will the knights abandon their mission to help the boy? Glory awaits those who follow the Path of Adventure!

CREATOR BIO: David Zeeman is a long-time tabletop role-playing game nerd, from Dungeons & Dragons to World of Darkness, Traveller to Call of Cthulhu. But his greatest passion is for Pendragon. He started producing professional content for RPGs in the early 2000s, when he made maps for the Mappa Hârnica Project (Columbia Games). He then started writing and editing for the venerable King Arthur Pendragon RPG (Chaosium, Inc.) in the mid-2000s and hasn’t stopped. He officially became a developer for Pendragon a few years ago, and has contributed text, maps, and artwork for the game. His work includes editing and writing for the Book of the Manor (2007), the Book of Knights and Ladies (2011), the Book of the Entourage (2012). For Pendragon 6th Edition he has contributed to the Starter Set (2023), the Core Rulebook (2024), the Gamemaster’s Handbook and Noble’s Book (forthcoming), and several more titles in the pipeline.

The Adventure of the Craven Knight

The Companions of Arthur

The Adventure of the Craven Knight
Garry Fay ($3.99/$6.99, 23 page PDF/Softcover)

Based on several folktales from the Lincolnshire region of England, 'The Adventure of the Craven Knight' is the story of a vile and cowardly knight. Sir Byard, who, having been foretold of his demise at the hands of a fellow knight, has gone to extraordinary and insidious lengths to to avoid paying for his sins and ensure his own survival.

It falls upon the Player Knights to bring Sir Byard to justice and have him pay for his sins. To do so they must overcome challenges of faith and faerie, and face a foe who has no intention of facing them in fair combat.

CREATOR BIO: Garry Fay has written Pendragon adventures in the 1990s books Spectre Kings, Blood and Lust, and Tales of Magic and Miracles. 'The Adventure of the Craven Knight' is his first new Pendragon adventure in quite some time. Garry’s first fantasy novel, Crowhand, is due to be released by IFWG Publishing in 2026.

The Adventure of the Forester Knight

The Adventure of the Forester Knight
Ben Chessell ($1.99, 11 page PDF)

Forests cover much of Britain in King Arthur’s time. Knights who ride under their boughs can expect to meet adventure. Deep in the Wildwood is a scarred vale of fallen timber, with the sound of the axe ringing all day from sunrise to sunset. A curse lies upon Sir Hervise, and the answer lies beyond earthly realms. Can the Player-knights solve the riddle and save the Forester Knight?

A complete quest for Pendragon. 'The Adventure of the Forester Knight' can take place at any time in the Great Pendragon Campaign, but is best suited to the adventurous phases.

CREATOR BIOS: Ben Chessell contributed numerous roleplaying game works in the 1990s for Chaosium, Games Workshop, Green Knight Publishing and White Wolf. He was a co-author of Lordly Domains for Pendragon, and wrote one of the scenarios in the Nephilim book Serpent Moon. 'The Adventure of the Forester Knight' was written around the same time, but has been updated for the Companions of Arthur. These days his main creative outlet is directing for television and film.

Cover artist Jakub Lang is a concept artist and illustrator from Prague. He currently works for the Czech videogame company Bohemia Interactive.

The Guide to Arthurian Britain

The Companions of Arthur

The Guide to Arthurian Britain
Jeff Erwin, Veli-Matti Pelkonen & Robert Schroeder (Pay-What-You-Want, 14 page PDF)

This 'Guide to Arthurian Britain' serves as a primer of the background for Pendragon in the years 508-510. A map along with a one-page player handout aids newcomers to Britain, followed by several pages of hooks, inspirations, upcoming events, and local color for the Gamemaster.

CREATOR BIOS: Jeff Erwin is a writer for TTRPGs, most recently Pendragon, after being recruited by Greg Stafford to write on the Tristram cycle and aid in his research. He has played the game since his childhood with the first edition.

Robert Schroeder has been playing, gamemastering, and teaching role-playing games for over 50 years. Long-time associate with Greg Stafford in association with Pendragon, his name (both Robert and Bob) will be found on many 4th and 5th edition credits and is also one of Greg’s Household Knights. He is humbled to continue writing for this very worthy game.

Veli-Matti Pelkonen was introduced to Pendragon in the 1990s and has been gamemastering it now for a quarter of a century, as well as actively participating in various Pendragon Forums. Inducted as one of Greg Stafford’s Household Knights in the 2010s, he contributed to many 5th edition publications, and helped Greg with the game mechanics for 6th edition.

The Tree Hazardous

The Companions of Arthur

The Tree Hazardous
Helena Nash ($2.99, 20 page PDF)

Far from the well-traveled roads of Arthur's Britain, an ancient yew of gigantic proportions stands deep within the forest.

Most people who sought the tree returned in failure. A handful of bolder folk were never seen again. And many years ago, one reckless youth returned with a wild-eyed tale about “something strange high up in the branches”.

For one to three players, The Tree Hazardous contains a number of eerie, perilous encounters which can be dropped into any Pendragon game:

  • An animated suit of ivy-choked armor demands release from its torment
  • An unpredictable chorus of talking birds is on the lookout for a new singer
  • A wily, voracious devil squirrel is seeking to add more fools to its larder

Contains stat blocks for all new creatures and Glory awards for each encounter. 'The Tree Hazardous' is part fairy tale, part anthropomorphic horror, and very Pendragon.

CREATOR BIO: Helena Nash writes adventures for Chaosium and Modiphius, including RuneQuest, Rivers of London, Conan and Dune, and enjoys creating new people, places and plots to slot into well-known and well-loved game worlds. Helena's been playing Pendragon since the 1980s, and still hasn't gotten over the time that Sir Hayden fumbled a DEX roll and fell off a table in the middle of an important fight.

The Adventure of the Loathsome Wyrm and the Machrel of the Sea

The Companions of Arthur

The Adventure of the Loathsome Wyrm and the Machrel of the Sea
Iain Nisbet ($4.99, 25 page PDF)

In this adventure for Pendragon, the player knights have been sent to deal with a fearsome dragon which has taken up residence in a local lord’s lands. Seven knights before them have been slain in an attempt to defeat the wyrm. Will the player knights be able to succeed where others have failed? And is there more to the dragon’s tale than meets the eye?

CREATOR BIO: Iain Nisbet is a fan of role playing games and folk music. His favourite RPG is Pendragon, and one of his favourite things to do is to create adventures for his players based on old British folk songs. He is based in Scotland and enjoys running Pendragon sessions at home and at games conventions across the UK.

The Adventure of the Arcadian Bull

The Companions of Arthur

The Adventure of the Arcadian Bull
Doyle Wayne Ramos-Tavener ($4.99, 26 page PDF)

In the beautiful Cotswold Hills, two kingdoms, which were once united, are again fighting. Into the midst of this turbulence come the Player-knights, who are tasked with raiding the Duchy of Glevum for the Duchy of Clarence.

The object of this raid? The Arcadian Bull.

CREATOR BIO: Doyle Wayne Ramos-Tavener is the author of 'The Adventure of the Faire of the Woods' or, 'The Goblin Market' in the first edition of The Great Pendragon Campaign. He was given this break through the kindness of Greg Stafford.

Squires Rampant

Squires Rampant
Mark Morrison ($0.99, 9 page PDF)

'Squires Rampant' provides 20 squire personalities with which to vex and perplex Player-knights. Pendragon is often a game of strong passions, so sometimes it helps change the mood by having a bumbling squire provide some comic relief.

Each squire archetype has a Cymric male and female name, a special Skill, and identifies which one of the Player-knight’s Traits will be tested the most as they try to mold the squire into a worthy knight.

CREATOR BIO: Mark Morrison is a long standing Chaosium author who has written and edited scenarios for Call of Cthulhu and Stormbringer, but his favourite roleplaying game of all time is Pendragon. He loved running The Great Pendragon Campaign so much that he has recently started running it all over again.

Want to take part in The Companions of Arthur yourself?

The Companions of Arthur community content license enables fans of Greg Stafford's TTRPG masterpiece Pendragon to create, share and sell their own material for the game on DriveThruRPG.

If you'd like to follow in Greg's footsteps and create for The Companions of Arthur yourself, check out the Landing Page for guidelines and your first steps into the program.

Greg's message