Miskatonic Monday: Congratulations to Gold, Silver, and Bronze Sellers in the Miskatonic Repository!
Posted by Michael O'Brien on 6th May 2019
We at Chaosium highly value the work of the independent creators who contribute to the Miskatonic Repository, our Call of Cthulhu community content site at DriveThruRPG. And we're delighted new self-published content is being added every week!
Did you know DriveThru RPG uses metal icons as "rough indicators" of a product's sales level? Each level is progressively harder to reach, rather than a simple doubling of the previous level.
On the occasion of our first Gold seller in the Miskatonic Repository, we thought it a fitting time to congratulate all the titles and their creators that have (so far) made it to Gold, Silver, and Copper sales status!
GOLD The Idol of Thoth by Joe Trier ($3.95) |
SILVER Alone Against the Tide by Nicholas Johnson ($4.99) |
COPPER A Light in Darkness by Matthew Puccio ($3.99) An Invitation in Yellow by Patrick Viggo Moeller ($2.99) |
Are you a Keeper looking for new scenarios and story elements? A player looking for something mysterious to spark a character idea? Is your group looking for eerie ideas to use in your game? The Miskatonic Repository is where you can find —and create —self-published material for the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game