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Miskatonic Monday: Congratulations to Gold, Silver, and Bronze Sellers in the Miskatonic Repository!

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 6th May 2019

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We at Chaosium highly value the work of the independent creators who contribute to the Miskatonic Repository, our Call of Cthulhu community content site at DriveThruRPG. And we're delighted new self-published content is being added every week!

Did you know DriveThru RPG uses metal icons as "rough indicators" of a product's sales level? Each level is progressively harder to reach, rather than a simple doubling of the previous level. 

On the occasion of our first Gold seller in the Miskatonic Repository, we thought it a fitting time to congratulate all the titles and their creators that have (so far) made it to Gold, Silver, and Copper sales status!

Gold Seller - DTRPGGOLD

The Idol of Thoth by Joe Trier ($3.95)

Silver Best Seller on DTRPGSILVER

Alone Against the Tide by Nicholas Johnson ($4.99)
Kirkwood Farmhouse Massacre by Fred Love ($1.99)
Solo Investigator's Handbook by 5e Solo Gamebooks ($9.99)
The Scales of Time by Michael Nagel ($4.95)
Zgrozy: Powidoki Przyszłości (Polish) by Marek Golonka ($1.00)
Zgrozy: Pasterz Ciem (Polish) by Marek Golonka ($1.00)

Copper Best Seller on DTRPGCOPPER

A Light in Darkness by Matthew Puccio ($3.99)

An Invitation in Yellow by Patrick Viggo Moeller ($2.99)
Drawn from the Dark by Michael Nagel ($8.95)
Isle of Madness by Ed Possing ($2.95)
Moonglow by John Almack ($2.95/$6.95/$7.95)
Plague by Matt Ryan, Noah Lloyd ($3.95)
Shortcut of Supernaturalism: Jasper St. Jones Got The Prettiest Bones by Tristan Jusola-Sanders ($1.99)
Terror Itself by James Coquillat and David Naylor ($3.95)
The Knife by Michael LaBossiere ($0.50)
The Man Downstairs by Adam Gauntlett ($4.00)
The Pipeline - A Call of Cthulhu Scenario for the 1980s by Alex Guillotte ($9.95/$14.95/$15.95)
The Prepared Investigator by Stephanie McAlea ($2.99)
The Titan Incident by William Adcock ($5.99)
Tomes of Terror by K.E. Brennan ($3.99)
Trail of the Monolith by Michael Nagel ($11.95)
When the Light Goes Out by Megan Tolentino ($2.95)
Visceral and Emotional Damage by Jon Hook ($2.00)
Zgrozy: Wernisaż (Polish) by Michał Gralak ($2.00)

Misk R titles


Are you a Keeper looking for new scenarios and story elements? A player looking for something mysterious to spark a character idea? Is your group looking for eerie ideas to use in your game? The Miskatonic Repository is where you can find —and create —self-published material for the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game