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Miskatonic Monday #78: Horror at El Dorado Royale and other new releases for the Miskatonic Repository

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 31st Jul 2023

Horror at El Dorado Royale is the first Miskatonic Repository release from Call of Cthulhu creator Ben Burns. If you haven't already do also check out Ben's licensed Call of Cthulhu releases at the New Comet Games' page at DriveThruRPG: A Time for SacrificeDevil's SwampThe Star on the Shore, and Corsairs of Cthulhu.

And please check out these other new releases in the Miskatonic Repository!

Miskatonic Repository

Horror at El Dorado Royale
Ben Burns ($14.98, 34 page PDF + Softcover Premium Color POD) 

Modern-era adventure: you arrived at a tropical five-star resort for your friend's wedding, but something has gone wrong. Could you and your friends be in danger? Can you stop it before someone dies? Are you already too late?

Memorable Major Wounds
Michael Reid ($0.99, 10 page PDF)

Memorable Major Wounds aims to do exactly what the title says: make Major Wounds more memorable. Through mix and matching optional rules with injury tables and conditions, suffering a major wound should become a unique event that leaves a permanent mark on an investigator, giving players something to remember and use for character building.

Keeper Utilities #1 - 100 Stat Blocks
Henry Reeder ($2.50, 204 page PDF)

Allows keepers and players to quickly generate Call of Cthulhu investigators and major NPCs with one dice roll of 3D10s or 2D10 and 1D8. They are sorted by primary characteristics like STR or INT, and the appropriate attributes calculated. Pulp Cthulhu variants in character generations are covered as well: Hit Points, Luck points.

Japan - Empire of Shadows: A Call of Cthulhu sourcebook for 1920s Imperial Japan
David Trotti ($24.95, 400 page PDF)

Sourcebook for roleplaying in Imperial Japan during the late Taisho and early Showa eras (1920-1932). It can be run with foreign or Japanese Investigators using the provided single-session story-hooks or multi-session narrative threads. The 400 page sourcebook includes 334 unique locations, 35 full color maps, over 70 NPCs, 20 player handouts, six pre-generated characters, new spells, new Mythos tomes, new monsters, a concise history of the land, people and nation of Japan and much more.

Miskatonic Repository

As the Stars Fall: A Modern Call of Cthulhu Scenario
Jamie Burke ($2.99, 33 page PDF)

Tail Whip Games is debuting their new RPG Adventure at a local gaming convention and strange events are unfolding. With the looming Perseid Meteor Shower bringing unwanted visitors, can the investigators unravel the true meaning of their visions and save the stars fall.

100 Gangsters, Gun Mals, and Goons
Neal Litherland ($1.99, 11 page PDF)

Whether you need to flesh out the seedy underbelly of one of the game's most commonly used cities, you want to introduce a rougher element to your game or you want to explore what it would be like to have everyone play investigators who are part of the criminal underworld clashing with cults and other servants of the Old Ones, the following NPCs should help you breathe a little life into this part of Arkham's existence. While some of these characters are independent operators, others are members of specific gangs, and some are even dancing on the fringe of the law, all of them may prove useful to your story. Lastly, the NPCs are arranged by neighborhood/district, making locating them within Arkham an easier task for the Keeper.

Mythos Monster Tokens Sample Pack
SlikPix ($1.49, 5 files)

Five Mythos Creature tokens for use with Virtual Tabletops: Hunting Horror, Nightgaunt, Dark Young of Shub Niggurath, Deep One, and Formless Spawn of Tsathoggua.

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Are you a Keeper looking for new scenarios and story elements? A player looking for something mysterious to spark a character idea? Is your group looking for eerie ideas to use in your game? The Miskatonic Repository is where you can find —and create —self-published material for the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game.