Meet our Chaosium Community Content Ambassadors
Posted by Michael O'Brien on 8th Jan 2025
-- Our community content ambassadors Bridgett, Mark and Nick --
On Chaosium's behalf, our Community Content Ambassadors – Bridgett, Mark, and Nick – act as a first point-of-call and helpful sounding board for prospective Miskatonic Repository (Call of Cthulhu), Jonstown Compendium (RuneQuest/Glorantha), and Companions of Arthur (Pendragon) content creators.
They are here to provide advice with the various aspects of creating and publishing a community content work, including:
- ideas generation
- IP issues
- writing
- editing
- art direction
- layout
- publication
- pricing your work
- preparing a title for print-on-demand
- promoting your work
- connecting with the wider community creator community
- directing queries to the appropriate person at Chaosium or DriveThruRPG if need be.
If you're interested in becoming a creator for one of our community content program, check out our creator resources at DriveThruRPG. And if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to Bridgett, Mark, and Nick!
Miskatonic Repository / Jonstown Compendium / Companions of Arthur
Chaosium's Community Content Ambassadors support independent creators in our community content programs on DriveThruRPG. These programs enable fans to self-publish material for Chaosium's Call of Cthulhu, RuneQuest, and Pendragon TTRPGs. Creators can offer their work free of charge, set a price, or offer it as pay-what-you-wan
The success of these fan-driven programs is evident by their thriving communities of creators and the rapidly growing number of titles available, with more added every week!