Masks of Nyarlathotep actual play on Encounter Roleplay
Posted by Michael O'Brien on 15th Sep 2018
Join our friends at Encounter Roleplay playing through the new introductory prologue chapter of Masks of Nyarlathotep, each Wednesday at 1pm EDT on Twitch TV.
Featuring the roleplaying talents of:
@Laughlovelindy, @JPruInc, @GrimJack21502, @DonathinFrye, @Redundant_uk and
In Peru, the investigators meet the industrious and charming author Jackson Elias, whose researches lead into the globe-spanning mystery. Embarking on an expedition to find a lost South American pyramid, the investigators come face to face with ancient horrors that foreshadow the task ahead.
They've already started their actual play of the greatest roleplaying campaign of all time, with "Session 0" - available on Encounter Roleplay's YouTube Channel: