'Describing the Indescribable: keeping your monsters fresh!' Leading RPG writers and GMs discuss at PAX Online - Sat 19 Sept
Posted by Michael O'Brien on 9th Sep 2020
“Each time you present a monster, present it afresh. Make the description intense and visceral. A deep one is never just a deep one. It is a creature from the depths of the sea and old as time itself, a creature whose very presence hits you deep in the gut, repelling humanity in a profound manner causing revulsion and nausea.”
—Gamemaster advice from the Malleus Monstrorum, Cthulhu Mythos Bestiary (2020).
The easy identification of a monster takes away the mystery and reveals details about the plot. The Call of Cthulhu Mythos brims with otherworldly beings from beyond space and time. Fantasy games like Dungeons and Dragons feature familiar creatures known from decades of play.
This PAX Online panel of leading RPG creators and gamemasters discuss how to ensure recurring monsters do not become mundane for your players in any game system. They also seek to answer to the ultimate question, “How Does One Describe Something Supposedly Indescribable?”
Saturday September 19th - 11:15 CEST / 14:45 PDT Sunday September 20th - 07:15 AEST Watch on PAX 2 Twitch.
Mark Morrison @mark_gor [Call of Cthulhu Writer, Campaign Coins]
Mike Mason @mikemason [Call of Cthulhu Creative Director, Chaosium]
Amanda Hamon @amandahamon [Editorial Director, Kobold Press]
Becca Scott @thebeccascott [Good Time Society]