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Chaosium Con Australia Update: treasures from the company vaults to offered in our convention auction

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 31st May 2024

With less than a week to go, we're gathering together all the items for the Chaosium Con Australia auction, to be held on Sunday afternoon, June 9.

Returning from Chaosium Con Ann Arbor in April, Andrew took his baggage allowance to the limit, bringing back a suitcase stuffed to the brim from the Chaosium company archives. To that both MOB and Mark have added rare and precious items from their own collections here in Australia!

Chaosium Con Auction submissions are open!

Submissions are now open for the auction. Any Chaosium or Chaosium-related games, (licensees, etc.) are very welcome – we reserve the right to exclude items. Please list publisher name, item number (usually on the spine or top corner, except magazines), reserve price (zero will be assumed unless otherwise specified), and % donated to the convention (minimum 20%, though we happily accept more).

Please email your list to by midnight Wednesday 5 June.

NB any items submitted for sale after this deadline will incur a $5 handling charge payable in advance in cash, non-refundable regardless of final auction price. Physical delivery (once they are on Andrew's list) can be made to Yarraville anytime before the convention, or else at the registration desk Saturday (10am-8pm) and up to midday on Sunday.

Join us at Chaosium Con Australia - June 8-9, Melbourne

If you'd like to join us at Chaosium Con Australia, purchase a badge at the Aetherworks website here and then we will give you the link to the Chaosium Con Australia page at Tabletop Events. There you will be able to start building your personal timetable for the convention. You can register for all standard gaming sessions, panels, and other events at no cost.

All badge holders can buy tickets for VIP Games and the VIP Welcome Party. All other events - including the auction - are free as part of the convention ticket.

-- all prices in Australian Dollars and include GST --

Chaosium Con Australia