Arcanacon is happening in Melbourne, Australia on January 26 - 27
Posted by Michael O'Brien on 3rd Jan 2019
Chaosium is pleased to be a major sponsor of Arcanacon 2019, one of Australia's most long-running dedicated tabletop roleplaying conventions.
Arcanacon is happening at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition centre (same location as PAX Aus) on the Australia Day weekend, Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th of January to 11pm each day.
It's a two day game convention, featuring roleplaying, industry panels, board games, and a giant regency LARP. Featured games include Call of Cthulhu and RuneQuest. and much more.
Places are still available - we would love to see you there! Tickets here:
Chaosium is excited to bringing out SARAH NEWTON as international guest of honour.
Sarah is currently writing a RuneQuest campaign pack for Chaosium, set in raucous and dusty 'Barbarian Town' on the Prax-Dragon Pass frontier. At Arcanacon she'll be appearing in panels and running games. It will be a busy two days for her, but a great opportunity for Arcanacon attendees to meet and game with a famous and talented RPG writer!
Other guests include Chaosium's Michael O'Brien and Susan O'Brien, Call of Cthulhu writer Mark Morrison, and many others.
Coming to Arcanacon? A Double-Cthulhu Combination...
On the Thursday night before Arcanacon (Jan 24), Chaosium and the H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society, in conjunction with the Sun Theatre, present a special screening of THE CALL OF CTHULHU.
Introduced in person by the HPLHS’s Sean Branney, producer and co-writer.
Q&A to follow after the screening.