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Chaosium at Conventions in the Fall

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 22nd Sep 2018

Chaosium will be at a tons of events this Autumn. You will be able to find a Chaosium booth at the HP Lovecraft Film Festival and CthulhuCon (Portland, OR), PAX Australia (Melbourne), Essen Spiel (Essen, Germany) and PAX Unplugged (Philidelphia, PA).We love it when our GMs (and fans!) come by our bo … read more

Rune Fixes #1 - clarifications and play examples

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 21st Sep 2018

Any rules system is going to have rules that need additional clarification, and RuneQuest is no exception! This is the first of an irregular series, where we clarify and expand on an aspects of the RuneQuest rules that need further explanation or play examples.[nb - this information was o … read more

Masks of Nyarlathotep actual play on Encounter Roleplay

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 15th Sep 2018

Join our friends at Encounter Roleplay playing through the new introductory prologue chapter of Masks of Nyarlathotep, each Wednesday at 1pm EDT on Twitch TV.Featuring the roleplaying talents of:@Laughlovelindy, @JPruInc, @GrimJack21502, @DonathinFrye, @Redundant_uk and @EncounterRP.I … read more

Cthulhu Chronicles Announces Open Beta for Android

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 13th Sep 2018

As soon as our friends at MetaArcade launched Cthulhu Chronicles on iOS in July, they heard one question over and over again, asked loudly and passionately: when is the game coming to Android? Finally, after a feverish few weeks of development and testing, they are ready to answer this question … read more

RuneQuest Con Down Under is back - it's even taking place in a Castle*

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 10th Sep 2018

*as good a castle as you'll find on the Australian continent...RUNEQUEST CON DOWN UNDER is back, after an absence of only 20 years! RQCon Down Under III takes place on Sunday, November 11, 9.30am to late: a whole day of fun and adventure at an Australian Castle! RuneQuest Con Down Und … read more