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Glorantha Games 2019 - March 30 in Birmingham, UK

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 5th Feb 2019

Glorantha Games 2019 is just two months away. Taking place on Saturday, March 30th, 2019, this is a one-day roleplaying convention dedicated to the world of Glorantha. Games offer include HeroQuest Glorantha, 13th Age Glorantha, and of course, RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha … read more

Cult of Chaos Convention Scenario Competition 2019

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 16th Nov 2018

By Todd Gardiner, director of organised playLast year conventions featured four of the seven winning Call of Cthulhu scenarios from the Cult of Chaos Convention Scenario Competition: Deirdre of the Sorrows, Outlaws of Desolation Peak, The Ides of Winter and The Wailing Women. Next year will feature … read more

Selkana's Saga #7: the problem with Kitha

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 24th Oct 2018

Selkana’s Saga is a Chaosium blog series by Ellie and Scott Akers, following a long-format roleplaying campaign using the RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha system.Ellie here: I am taking over this installment of Selkana’s Saga to talk at some length about my character Kitha. Kitha is an unsubtle a … read more