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Arcanacon is happening in Melbourne, Australia on January 26 - 27

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 3rd Jan 2019

Chaosium is pleased to be a major sponsor of Arcanacon 2019, one of Australia's most long-running dedicated tabletop roleplaying conventions.Arcanacon is happening at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition centre (same location as PAX Aus) on the Australia Day weekend, Saturday … read more

RuneQuest is part of New Gamemaster Month, kicking off on January 8th!

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 2nd Jan 2019

Have you thought about GMing—maybe always wanted to give it a shot—but haven’t quite taken the plunge? What if we told you that by the first week in February, you could be an honest-to-goodness GM—and it’ll be easy!New Gamemaster Month gives you what you need to run your first game: Inspiration, adv … read more

Happy New Year 2019 and Sacred Time Greetings from The Chaosium

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 1st Jan 2019

We have had a remarkable 2018 at The Chaosium, our successes made bittersweet by the death of our beloved founder Greg Stafford in October. We're so pleased Greg got to see the publication of the new Chaosium edition of RuneQuest, and also that he knew that King Arthur Pendragon - the game … read more

Call of Cthulhu Starter Set Launch Party in Newcastle, UK

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 29th Dec 2018

Following on from our Call of Cthulhu Starter Set Launch Parties in GOOD GAMES Stores across Australia earlier this month, we're holding a launch party in Newcastle, UK on January 6th.Join Lynne Hardy, assistant Call of Cthulhu line editor, for a day of madness, demonstration games, and ca … read more

New Chaosium YouTube video series introduces the Call of Cthulhu RPG

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 14th Dec 2018

To coincide with the launch of the Call of Cthulhu Starter Edition, we've created a new video series introducing the game. Specifically pitched to newcomers to roleplaying games and Call of Cthulhu, these short (2 - 3 minutes) videos cover basic topics including "What is an RPG?" and "What … read more

Join the Harlem Unbound 2nd Ed Preview List!

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 20th Nov 2018

Earlier this year we were pleased to announce that Chaosium is to publish a new edition of Chris Spivey's critically acclaimed Call of Cthulhu supplement Harlem Unbound. Chris and his team are now hard at work on the new edition, which features additional scenarios, new maps and new art. A … read more