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Out of the Suitcase #24: ​Wherein the back cover gets finished...

Out of the Suitcase #24: ​Wherein the back cover gets finished...

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 5th Nov 2021

Chaosium President Rick Meints shares stories from a life-time as a collector of all things Chaosium.Last night after dinner I took another pass over the text for the back cover of my collector's and reference guide to all things RuneQuest and Glorantha. This is the third edition of The Me … read more
Out of the Suitcase #23: Facing the facts of a chaotic past...

Out of the Suitcase #23: Facing the facts of a chaotic past...

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 15th Oct 2021

Chaosium President Rick Meints shares stories from a life-time as a collector of all things Chaosium.Just the other day we had a fan ask about the Chaosium "Dragon" logo and why it didn't always have the dragon facing to the left on our products. While a short answer was given, there's a bit more to … read more
Out of the Suitcase #21: The first Manual of Monsters

Out of the Suitcase #21: The first Manual of Monsters

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 30th Aug 2021

Chaosium President Rick Meints shares stories from a life-time as a collector of all things Chaosium.Steve Perrin's unexpected passing has gotten me to thinking about his far-reaching legacy within the world of role-playing games. As I ponder his role in those early days I find myself pulling v … read more
Out of Suitcase #20: The art of obscure finds...

Out of Suitcase #20: The art of obscure finds...

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 18th Aug 2021

Chaosium President Rick Meints shares stories from a life-time as a collector of all things Chaosium.I recently got asked "what are some of the rare or obscure items in your collection?" I have a number of unique items, and it's hard to pick just one. Last night I was writing about one of them for m … read more
​Out of the Suitcase #19: Another Mystery Solved... CHA2341

​Out of the Suitcase #19: Another Mystery Solved... CHA2341

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 13th Aug 2021

Chaosium President Rick Meints shares stories from a life-time as a collector of all things Chaosium.Every so often we get a wonderful completist collector of Chaosium games ask us about some of our product numbers that never got used. One of the earliest ones we skipped was CHA2341 in the Call of C … read more
Out of the Suitcase #18: What Perilous Encounters await our heroes...

Out of the Suitcase #18: What Perilous Encounters await our heroes...

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 8th Aug 2021

Chaosium President Rick Meints shares stories from a life-time as a collector of all things Chaosium.A last minute request pleasantly shifted some of my work priorities recently. Many of our current projects mine our vast library of prior Chaosium publications for inspiration and depth of material. … read more
Out of the Suitcase #17: the first Appendix N

Out of the Suitcase #17: the first Appendix N

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 30th Jul 2021

Chaosium President Rick Meints shares stories from a life-time as a collector of all things Chaosium.Recently the Grognardia blog wrote about the strange serendipity between the bibliography in RuneQuest, which came out in 1978, and the bibliography in the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Dungeon Masters … read more