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Miskatonic Monday: September and October community content releases

Miskatonic Monday: September and October community content releases

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 5th Oct 2020

It's Miskatonic Monday again, and there have been plenty of new community content releases in the Miskatonic Repository since last time – check them out!Time of the SerpentMichael Diamond ($8.00, 60 page PDF plus 10 audio handouts)Time of the Serpent is set in the urban depths of 1920s Chicago. … read more
Miskatonic Monday: new titles for August 2020

Miskatonic Monday: new titles for August 2020

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 17th Aug 2020

It's Miskatonic Monday again, so here are some excellent new Call of Cthulhu community content titles to peruse in the Miskatonic Repository. Starting off with a release from none other than Paul Fricker, one of the co-authors of Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition!Paul has co-written numerous books for Cal … read more
Miskatonic Monday: new titles for July 2020

Miskatonic Monday: new titles for July 2020

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 27th Jul 2020

New Miskatonic Repository titles for July 2020! Check out the amazing community content being created for Call of Cthulhu!Akhenaten UnveiledJames Austin ($4.00, 35 page PDF)In the year 1357 BCE, king Amenhotep IV rejected the Egyptian gods. In their place, there would be one new god: one he cal … read more