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13th Age in Glorantha update: Surprising Darkness Horses (demons, actually)

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 23rd May 2017

We let our 13th Age in Glorantha backers know they were going to receive something extra: these guys didn't show up for the playtest packet, but Dragon Pass' most dangerous mercenaries will be in the final version of Chapter 5: Enemies.Over to 13th Age in Glorantha co-designer Rob Heinsoo to ex … read more

A Sneak Peak Inside the RuneQuest Quickstart Rules

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 22nd May 2017

The full-color hardback RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha rules will be out later this year, but in the mean time, the 48 page RuneQuest Quickstart Rules features everything you need to start playing, and includes a new adventure "The Broken Tower" and five pre-gen characters.Here, Chaosium P … read more

Team Chaosium says Cthuthanks to all the members of the tribe!

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 23rd Apr 2017

If Facebook's your thing, come join us in the Chaosium tribe over there: 26,000 chaos cultists now!You can also be part of the tribe on G+ and through our forums at BRP Central, or follow Chaosium on Twitter. However you do it, let's create mythic stories together! … read more

13th Age in Glorantha update: Hell Mother and Eaglebrown Warlock art

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 17th Apr 2017

Work is proceeding apace to complete the 13th Age in Glorantha book, and we're getting a whole lot of wonderful art back from the artists we've engaged. Here is some art we recently shared with the 13AG Kickstarter backers, showing off some cool magical effects.The first piece is Caleb Cle … read more

13th Age in Glorantha Update: Puppeteer Troupe layout sample

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 10th Apr 2017

We recently showed off a sample layout page to the Kickstarter backers of our other Glorantha project in the works - 13th Age in Glorantha.This is what 13thAG project leader Rob Heinsoo shared—it's certainly going to be a very nice looking book!Here’s a sample layout of Chapter 5: Ene … read more