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13th Age Glorantha Update: Backers receive Chapter 3 Preview!

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 10th Nov 2017

Our Kickstarter backers have just been sent a download link to get a preview of Chapter 3: Running Glorantha, complete and fully laid-out. We think this 48 page preview capably shows off how nice the finished book is going to be. Meanwhile, the 136 page Classes chapter, Chapter 4, is … read more

Chaosium at PAX Aus next weekend (Oct 27 - 29)

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 23rd Oct 2017

Chaosium will be at PAX Aus in Melbourne, Australia this weekend!Come see us at the Melbourne Exhibition Centre, October 27-29. There are still limited single day tickets available.CALL OF CTHULHU DEMO SCENARIOSThanks to an awesome team of volunteer GMs, we'll be running two demo scenarios … read more

13th Age in Glorantha Update: Earth Priestess layout

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 26th Sep 2017

Rob Heinsoo has reported to Kickstarter backers that 13G layout is proceeding smoothly. Here's a two-page spread from the earth priestess, the spot where the favors of the earth section transitions over to summoning. Rob says, "I love Caleb Cleveland's illustration of the oldest earth prie … read more

13th Age in Glorantha Update - slice from Chapter 4: Classes layout

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 10th Sep 2017

By Rob HeinsooWe're in the middle of Chapter 4 layout. Here's a slice from early on that includes the stats table for all the classes and the start of the berserker.If you recognize the art at the top right, that's because we've licensed seven pieces we really like from Petersen Games' GODS WAR game … read more

Wyrms Footnotes Returns!

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 6th Sep 2017

Wyrms Footnotes is Chaosium’s House Magazine for Greg Stafford’s World of Glorantha. Fourteen issues were published between 1976 - 1983. After a (mere) 29 year hiatus, Wyrms Footnotes returned in 2012 with issue #15, produced by Moon Design Publications. In 2017, Wyrms Footnotes is back ag … read more

Khan of Khans - shipping has begun!

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 31st Aug 2017

We stated at the beginning of the Khan of Khans Kickstarter campaign that shipping of the boxed game would commence in August of 2017. And so it has! Copies are now in all three of our warehouses (Australia, UK, USA). The latest Kickstarter update outlines what will be happening over the n … read more