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What's Happening with RQG #2: The Gods of Glorantha

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 19th Apr 2018

By Jeff RichardIn the last update I talked about what I could see on my computer screen of the awesome new layout for RQG. While on the subject of what is on the screen, I might as well talk about what I have been doing. I just finished the draft manuscript of The Gods of Glorantha, which is ab … read more

What's Happening with RQG #1: Deep into Layout!

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 16th Apr 2018

By Jeff RichardAn update on RuneQuest progress. We are deep in layout, and the book is looking absolutely amazing, thanks to the hard work of our layout guru Simeon Cogswell. In fact it is so amazing, I wanted to screen share a few pages from my computer to show you how this is shaping up.Now k … read more

EN World previews 13th Age Glorantha

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 26th Mar 2018

EN WORLD previews 13TH AGE GLORANTHA, "a 400+ page love letter to Greg Stafford’s World of Glorantha, one of the most extensively developed and renowned fantasy settings of all time" by Rob Heinsoo and Jonathan Tweet, the lead designers of the 3rd and 4th editions of D&D.13G is available now in PDF … read more

Designing the New RuneQuest - Part 23

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 22nd Mar 2018

Where we are with RQGBy Jeff RichardGreetings Gloranthaphiles! I've been quiet on the social media front for the last few months concerning where we are with the new RuneQuest - that's not because we don't have plenty of great progress to report (we do! - keep reading) but because: we've been r … read more

Designing the New RuneQuest - Part 22

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 21st Mar 2018

A TALE OF TWO THREE LOGOSBy Jason Durall, RuneQuest line editorOne of the more significant visual design elements to make for a new game has its choice of a logo. In some cases, such as for licensed games, these decisions are out of the hands of the designers and artists making the game. For exam … read more

Unnatural Selections: Recent Chaosium Reviews of Note #2

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 18th Mar 2018

'Unnatural Selections' is a regular round up of notable reviews of Chaosium titles we think are worth a look...Andrew Logan Montgomery's Otherworlds of Fiction, Magic, and Gaming blog recently reviewed two new Chaosium releases with considerable depth, insight and perspicacity (in his … read more