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ENnies voting is live: we need your support, and your votes!

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 11th Jul 2018

The ENnies 2018 Voting is Live!Chaosium fans—we need your support, and your votes!The following RuneQuest-Glorantha releases are up for awards: BEST FREE PRODUCT - RuneQuest QuickstartBEST FAMILY PRODUCT - Khan of KhansBEST RPG RELATED PRODUCT - Khan of KhansAnd the following Call of Cthulhu r … read more

Chaosium's seminars at Gen Con: building new worlds

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 6th Jul 2018

Wow, Gen Con is less than a month away! In addition to hundreds of game sessions (Call of Cthulhu, RuneQuest, 13th Age Glorantha, HeroQuest Glorantha), we're running four seminars. Spaces are free at three of them — "Cool of Cthulhu" is sold out — so you're coming to Gen Con sign up to the … read more

Chaosium receives eight nominations in the 2018 ENnie Awards

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 4th Jul 2018

The 2018 ENnie Award nominations have been announced! We're delighted to have received eight nominations:BEST ADVENTURE: The Two-Headed SerpentBEST ART COVER - Down Darker TrailsBEST MONSTER/ADVERSARY - Down Darker TrailsBEST PRODUCTION VALUES: The Grand GrimoireBEST FREE PR … read more

Last call for Gen Con GMs!

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 21st Jun 2018

With Gen Con approaching rapidly, it is time to match volunteers to our huge schedule of 188 events. Because of the still unmet demand for Chaosium games—particularly Call of Cthulhu—Gen Con have offered us the opportunity to add several additional tables, so we can add to our offerings if we h … read more

Women in Tabletop Gaming Month #13: Chaosium interviews Bre Wyn

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 18th Jun 2018

Lynne Hardy interviews Call of Cthulhu Keeper and Cthulhu Live LARPer Bre Wynn for Women in Tabletop Gaming MonthSerious ones first:1. What is your background? I recently transitioned out of Active Duty service in the United States Army. I spent the first seven years of my army career as a Human … read more

We've sold out all our events at Gen Con, so we now need more GMs!

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 12th May 2018

With 80 days to go to Gen Con 2018, Chaosium has 3/5ths of the GMs we need to cover out commitment. That's right on par with our recruitment efforts last year. Awesome!Of our 500+ table-hours, we sold nearly every ticket in just three days after event registration opened—all but two events now are d … read more

2017 ENNIES - thanks to all the creative teams

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 20th Aug 2017

Chaosium thanks and recognises the creative teams behind each of our ENnie-winning titles and everybody involved in making Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition such a great success.Call of Cthulhu Slipcase SetOriginally written by Sandy PetersenWith later revision by Lynn WillisThis revised 7th Edition … read more