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Miskatonic Monday: five new Call of Cthulhu titles in the repository

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 23rd Apr 2019

Here's five fab new releases by community content creators in the Miskatonic Repository:BusilakAntonio Gabriel IV Abad ($2.99, 19 page PDF)"Busilak is the first of many to come Mythos Adventures that are inspired by South East Asian mythology, urban legends, and unconfirmed reports."Dark OfferingsRo … read more

Masks of Nyarlathotep set to break crowdfunding records in Korea

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 22nd Apr 2019

Our friends and licensees Dayspring Games are currently crowdfunding Masks of Nyarlathotep in Korean. In the first 72 hours they've raised 103 million Won (roughly USD$90,000). Their record-breaking Call of Cthulhu crowdfunding project in 2016 only reached that point after 26 days.There's … read more