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Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition comes to Fantasy Grounds!

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 23rd Dec 2016

Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition has come to Fantasy Grounds, the popular virtual tabletop where you can play your favourite RPGs with your friends online!Our friends at Fantasy Grounds say that after a year of development, the new rule set is complete and ready to roll out. The ruleset itself … read more

New 20th Scenario for Horror on the Orient Express!

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 1st Dec 2016

All HotOE Backers to receive free PDF of EMPIRE OF DEATHEMPIRE OF DEATH is a new historical Call of Cthulhu scenario for Chaosium's Gold ENnie award winning Horror on the Orient Express. Written by Mark Morrison, EMPIRE OF DEATH is a decadent scenario which uncovers hitherto … read more

Chaosium converges on London for Dragonmeet this Saturday!

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 29th Nov 2016

This Saturday (December 3rd) Chaosium is a sponsor at Dragonmeet, the UK's friendliest game convention" and largest event of its kind in London.Chaosium's Jeff, Mike and MOB will be in attendance, along with a dedicated team of awesome booth volunteers and GMs.We'll have a range … read more

And Cyber Monday - 25% off selected PDF & eBooks; 50% off Vault items!

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 25th Nov 2016

Black Friday is followed by Cyber Monday (with Squamous Saturday and Spectral Sunday in between)...Cyber Monday sale runs 28/11 from 12 midnight - 11.59PM EST 25% off selected PDF and eBook titles. 50% off all items in The Vault.Note, Black Friday and Cyber Monday discounts do not include Call … read more