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Designing the new RuneQuest - Part 16

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 17th Apr 2017

By Jeff RichardIn my last design note I mentioned that while the new RQ Design team widely agreed RuneQuest 2nd Ed wasn't broken, it had some weak points: these were - how Rune Magic was obtained, social interactions, and the disconnect between Initiate and Rune Master.For the new RQG … read more

13th Age in Glorantha update: Hell Mother and Eaglebrown Warlock art

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 17th Apr 2017

Work is proceeding apace to complete the 13th Age in Glorantha book, and we're getting a whole lot of wonderful art back from the artists we've engaged. Here is some art we recently shared with the 13AG Kickstarter backers, showing off some cool magical effects.The first piece is Caleb Cle … read more

Designing the new RuneQuest - Part 15

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 11th Apr 2017

By Jeff RichardThe recent article Chaosium returns to its roots with RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha noted:"the company is pulling in a lot of star power for the new edition, touting material written by industry veterans Steve Perrin (RuneQuest), Ken Rolston (The Elder Scrolls … read more

13th Age in Glorantha Update: Puppeteer Troupe layout sample

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 10th Apr 2017

We recently showed off a sample layout page to the Kickstarter backers of our other Glorantha project in the works - 13th Age in Glorantha.This is what 13thAG project leader Rob Heinsoo shared—it's certainly going to be a very nice looking book!Here’s a sample layout of Chapter 5: Ene … read more

Designing the new RuneQuest - Part 14

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 7th Apr 2017

Runes, Passions, and Rune Spells, oh my!By Jeff RichardSome of the most significant changes to the new RuneQuest are Runes and Passions, and the use of Rune Points to cast Rune Spells. These new features are easy for players and GMs to get the hang of, but they add tremendously to player opportuniti … read more

RQG—New RuneQuest edition to be known as RUNEQUEST: ROLEPLAYING IN GLORANTHA

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 6th Apr 2017

The new edition of the iconic roleplaying game RuneQuest will be formally known as RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha, or 'RQG' for short, Chaosium announced today.First published by Chaosium in 1978, over the ensuing decades the RuneQuest game has gone through a number of editions with different p … read more

Designing the new RuneQuest - Part 13

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 5th Apr 2017

By Jeff RichardThere's been a lot of progress on RuneQuest since the last note, including some very big decisions on the product schedule!RuneQuest ScheduleSo let's start with the most exciting news - RuneQuest and the RuneQuest Bestiary will be available for purchase by Christmas 2017. That's in ph … read more