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Chaosium brings games, designers, and its Cult of Chaos to UK Games Expo

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 18th May 2017

For the second year, Chaosium offers UK Games Expo attendees a Cthulhu workshop, games, and a glimpse at Glorantha. Plus the latest releases at the Chaosium Booth, including Pulp Cthulhu, Doors to Darkness, and H.P. Lovecraft's The Call of Cthulhu for Beginning Readers.Friday 12.00pm (SEM2 … read more

The results are in! Cult of Chaos Call of Cthulhu Scenario Writing 2017

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 12th May 2017

From Mike Mason, Call of Cthulhu line editorEarlier this year Chaosium invited members of the Cult of Chaos, our cadre of volunteer game masters, to submit pitches for short scenarios that could be played in a single 4-hour time slot at games conventions.We received over 100 pitches and from th … read more

New RPG Submissions Guidelines Released

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 4th May 2017

At its heart, Chaosium is a roleplaying game company. Since RuneQuest came out in 1978 and Call of Cthulhu followed in 1981 we've been producing award-winning roleplaying games with artistic integrity. The who's who of RPG writers have all contributed to make our games great. We'd love for you to jo … read more

New Fiction Submissions Guidelines Released

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 4th May 2017

Chaosium was born out of fiction. Greg Stafford discovered Glorantha through his writings which led him to founding the company. Only a few years later, Chaosium turned H.P. Lovecraft’s most famous story of the Cthulhu Mythos into our most award winning RPG game, Call of Cthulhu, writ … read more

Chaosium appoints James Lowder as new Executive Editor of Fiction

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 4th May 2017

Publishing company Chaosium, known for such beloved games as Call of Cthulhu and RuneQuest, and fiction, such as the anthology Cassilda’s Song, is pleased to announce the appointment of award-winning editor and author James Lowder as executive editor of fiction. Chaosium President Rick Meints c … read more

Rapier Miniatures comes to Glorantha

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 2nd May 2017

Chaosium welcomes Rapier Miniatures as our newest licensee! UK-based Rapier have been gaming in Glorantha for 35 years, and now they get to make the figures they've always wanted for this world.Rapier are starting in Prax, and will be rolling out a range of Bison Riders first, closely followed … read more

Take a quick peek inside The Call of Cthulhu for Beginning Readers

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 24th Apr 2017

Fateful words of Lovecraftian horror... in anapaestic tetrameter. Take a quick peek inside the The Call of Cthulhu for Beginning Readers. H. P. Lovecraft’s classic short story, gloriously reimagined as a children’s book by R.J. Ivankovic.Available now, exclusively from Chaosium.Geni … read more

Team Chaosium says Cthuthanks to all the members of the tribe!

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 23rd Apr 2017

If Facebook's your thing, come join us in the Chaosium tribe over there: 26,000 chaos cultists now!You can also be part of the tribe on G+ and through our forums at BRP Central, or follow Chaosium on Twitter. However you do it, let's create mythic stories together! … read more