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Free Downloadable Resources for The Two-Headed Serpent!

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 3rd Jul 2017

The Two-Headed Serpent is our action-packed, globe-spanning, and high-octane campaign set in the 1930s for Pulp Cthulhu. Want all the handouts for your players? Don't want to cut your book apart?Rest easy! We have created a free 42 page Keeper Resource Pack for The Two-Headed Serpent, with … read more

RuneQuest Quickstart is here!

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 3rd Jul 2017

The wait is over! Download the RuneQuest Quickstart and Adventure PDF now, or get it in print for USD$9.95. This is a preview and introduction (or reintroduction) to the world of Glorantha and to RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha, to be released later in 2017. Welcome to Greg Stafford's& … read more

The Grand Grimoire of Cthulhu Mythos Magic - Available now in hardback

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 1st Jul 2017

The Grand Grimoire of Cthulhu Mythos Magic is available now in hardback, direct from! An essential supplement for Keepers of Arcane Lore—over 550 spells of dire consequences, secrets, and unfathomable power! Here are gathered spells drawn from over thirty years of Ca … read more

Join the Group Read of the Guide to Glorantha!

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 27th Jun 2017

A "Group Read" of the monumental two-volume Guide to Glorantha has commenced over on BRP Central - The Chaosium Forums. Interested fans of Greg Stafford's mythic universe are welcome to take part. Glorantha is one of the oldest and most influential fantasy role-playing settings. It is the … read more

Designing the new RuneQuest - Part 17

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 24th Jun 2017

By Jeff RichardSo last weekend was Free RPG Day and Chaosium provided 7000 copies of the RuneQuest Quickstart to be given away in game stores across North America, Europe, Australia and beyond. Thanks to the Cult of Chaos, some 70 volunteer GMs took hundreds of people through the … read more

Stewart Wieck, 1968 - 2017

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 24th Jun 2017

The team at Chaosium is saddened by news of the sudden passing of our hobby game industry friend and colleague Stewart Wieck.Stewart’s accomplishments were many and varied in publishing, including co-founding White Wolf Game Studio, co-creating the World of Darkness, and serving as the ori … read more