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Khans of Khans - preview unboxing of the finished product!

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 1st Aug 2017

The ships bringing Khan of Khans to our fulfilment warehouses in Australia, the USA and UK have set sail from Hong Kong, and will be arriving later this month (August 2017). But our wonderful printers have airshipped Rick Meints some copies, so while we're all waiting we can at least have a loo … read more

Khan of Khans update: the game is done, and on three ships...

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 1st Aug 2017

We just shared the good news with the Kickstarter backers that our Gloranthan card game, Reiner Knizia's Khan of Khans has now been printed, and copies are making their way by container ship to our fulfilment warehouses in Australia, the USA and the UK. All three ships are due to arrive to … read more

the great picture contains terrors unimaginable

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 1st Aug 2017

the great picture contains terrors unimaginable."One man dropped dead within moments, and people fled. Wells didn’t even remember what the photos were of." #thegreatpicture

Necronomicon 2017 Looms...

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 28th Jul 2017

This August, not one but two conventions will be blessed by the Elder Gods on the same weekend. While most of the Chaosium team are heading to Gen Con, Indianapolis, Mike Mason and Nick Nacario will be in Providence, Rhode Island for NecronomiCon, bringing books to sell, panels t … read more

Gen Con: The Cult of Chaos Brings More Souls to the Table

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 28th Jul 2017

More than 1,000 character sheets printed later, and all our sessions at Gen Con have sold out! If you missed a chance to play those scenarios (or orchestrate them as a Keeper!) this Gen Con, don't despair. This fall those convention scenarios will be available through the Cult of Chaos Library over … read more

The Eleven Lights - now available in PDF for HeroQuest Glorantha

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 26th Jul 2017

In HeroQuest Glorantha's The Coming Storm, the dangers surrounding the Red Cow clan in Sartar are closing in from within and without. Occupied by the Lunar Empire, the clan can see violence on the horizon— the Hero Wars are coming. The gripping saga of the Red Cow's dire straits in The Coming S … read more