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Masks of Nyarlathotep - The darkness is near

Masks of Nyarlathotep - The darkness is near

Posted by Lillian Cohen-Moore on 22nd Feb 2018

With the imminent release of Fantasy Flight Games' Masks of Nyarlathotep Expansion for Eldritch Horror, Chaosium's Mike Mason and Nick Nacario update us on progress of the new edition of Masks for Call of Cthulhu...Mike: “Work on the new edition of Masks of Nyarlathotep is in full sw … read more

Vale Victor Milán (1954-2018)

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 16th Feb 2018

We were saddened to learn that SF author and RPG gamer Victor Milán died in Albuquerque on February 13th. A prolific writer, Milán wrote for the Forgotten Realms, Star Trek, and Wild Cards Universes, among others, and in 1994 received the Prometheus Award for his novel Cybernetic Samurai.& … read more

Unnatural Selections: Recent Chaosium Reviews of Note #1

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 11th Feb 2018

'Unnatural Selections' is what will become a regular round up of notable Chaosium reviews worth a look...A self-confessed cattle rustler (or at least unwitting accomplice to cow stealing) reviews our Reiner Knizia family game Khan of Khans; meanwhile, Dreams & Nightmares explains how y … read more

The "Grand Shaman of Gaming" Turns 70 - Happy Birthday Greg Stafford!

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 9th Feb 2018

The Chaosium team sends best wishes and felicitations for a happy 70th birthday to our company founder, chair of the board, and "grand shaman of gaming" - the Mythmaker himself, Greg Stafford. Happy Birthday Greg! Best wishes from Dustin, Nick, Mike, Rick, Jeff, Neil, M … read more

Designing the New RuneQuest - Part 21

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 9th Feb 2018

A further update on progress from Jason Durall, RuneQuest Line EditorGood news - layout for the RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha core book is underway! The Gamemaster Pack will follow, then the Gloranthan Bestiary: we're getting the last of the art and maps for these. I mentioned in the  … read more