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Miskatonic Monday: the madness extends to other languages

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 12th Mar 2018

When we launched the Miskatonic Repository community content program late last year we stipulated that, for the time being, all content had to be in English. This was just while we found our feet with the program, and had a chance to talk to all the various Call of Cthulhu foreign language lice … read more

Chaosium will be at the GAMA Trade Show in Reno, NV March 12-16

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 11th Mar 2018

Chaosium is attending the GAMA Trade Show in Reno NV this week (March 12-16), the largest business-to-business event in the U.S. for the hobby industry. Chaosium President Rick Meints is presenting on two panels:—Working with Printers Successfully (Mon 12 March, 1:30-3:00PM) Info … read more

Here are the Cult of Chaos Scenario Writing Contest Winners for 2018!

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 11th Mar 2018

From Todd Gardiner, director of Organised PlayThe months of writing and refining is done! The judging is complete. Chaosium is happy to announce the winning scenarios from the Cult of Chaos Scenario Writing Contest.Back in November, we asked members of our Organized Play group, the Cult of Chao … read more

The Cthulhu Masters returns to UK Games Expo!

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 26th Feb 2018

The Cthulhu Masters returns to UK Games Expo, 1-3 June, Birmingham UK! Bring your sharpest wit and your luckiest dice! The surviving winner receives a (quote) "horrid trophy of Deep One origin", so there's everything to play for and only SAN to lose...Sponsored by Chaosium. More details&nb … read more

Miskatonic Monday: What's new in the Miskatonic Repository?

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 26th Feb 2018

Have you checked out the Miskatonic Repository at DriveThruRPG yet? Are you a Keeper looking for new scenarios and story elements? A player looking for something mysterious to spark a character idea? Is your group looking for eerie ideas to use in your game? The Miskatonic Repository is wh … read more

Call of Cthulhu—The Official Video Game: some w-i-p gameplay

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 24th Feb 2018

The Vidiots from Yogscast take a good look at Call of Cthulhu: The Official Video Game, including some w-i-p gameplay footage. Produced by Focus Home Interactive under license from Chaosium and firmly based the tabletop rpg (hints in the name). This has been some time in the making, but is comi … read more