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Chaosium at UK Games Expo this weekend

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 30th May 2018

Chaosium will be at UK Games Expo, 1-3 June, in Birmingham this weekend!We are running games and seminars, and have a booth (Hall 1 - E16). British fans will have a chance to see the new RuneQuest in action, and the multi-round Cthulhu Masters tournament returns, sponsored by Cha … read more

Unnatural Selections: Recent Chaosium Reviews of Note #7

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 28th May 2018

Chaosium licensees produce releases that supplement and support our own.There is a huge and unslaked demand for quality Call of Cthulhu RPG and related material, and we are fortunate to be able to collaborate with so many talented and diligent creators to help meet that demand.Here are some rec … read more

Updated Statement About Punktown Kickstarter

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 27th May 2018

Last year, we reported that the Chaosium license for Miskatonic River Press's much delayed Punktown Kickstarter would remain in place. Backers had recently received a PDF of the first 50% of the book, and Angus Abranson of Chronicle City was overseeing completion of the … read more

Updated Statement About Horrors of War Kickstarter

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 21st May 2018

Adam Scott Glancy has recently been in touch with Chaosium about his Horrors of War Kickstarter. As we previously updated (Aug 31, 2017), when we met last year he gave Gen Con 2018 as the date for completion, but has now informed us he will miss that deadline. However, he says he will offe … read more

Call of Cthulhu, Live RPG Plus-style!

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 18th May 2018

An all-star party live-audience adventure and extravaganza of Call of Cthulhu at UK Games Expo!Chaosium's Call of Cthulhu line editor Mike Mason is one of the special guests in Syrinscape's very special game of Call of Cthulhu, Live RPG Plus-style!Other players include Pathfinder’s Ja … read more