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Rivers of London RPG design team meets for the first time

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 3rd Feb 2020

The first planning meeting for the Rivers of London RPG, based on the books by Ben Aaronovitch, took place last weekend! Chaosium's Lynne Hardy and Mike Mason worked with writers Paul Fricker and Keris McDonald on scoping out mechanics, player roles, and the setting. And with Ric … read more

Miskatonic Monday: many, many more new titles!

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 3rd Feb 2020

There's a huge selection of new Call of Cthulhu community content to choose from at the Miskatonic Repository on DriveThruRPG! ScenariosThe Highway of Blood: A Call of Cthulhu Scenario for the 1970s, Alex Guillotte, Ian Christiansen ($11.95, 130 page PDF)You find yourselves in West Te … read more