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Out of the Suitcase #18: What Perilous Encounters await our heroes...

Out of the Suitcase #18: What Perilous Encounters await our heroes...

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 8th Aug 2021

Chaosium President Rick Meints shares stories from a life-time as a collector of all things Chaosium.A last minute request pleasantly shifted some of my work priorities recently. Many of our current projects mine our vast library of prior Chaosium publications for inspiration and depth of material. … read more
Journey to Jonstown #22 - plenty to play on the Jonstown Compendium!

Journey to Jonstown #22 - plenty to play on the Jonstown Compendium!

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 3rd Aug 2021

More great community content on the Jonstown Compendium: here's a whole lot of new adventures for RuneQuest!Holiday Dorastor: The Temple of HeadsSimon Phipp, Leon Kirshtein, Nikk Effingham, Tal Meta ($17.00, 151 PDF)The Temple of Heads is the first instalment of Holiday Dorastor, a look at inte … read more
Miskatonic Monday #32: A Cornucopia of Community Content!

Miskatonic Monday #32: A Cornucopia of Community Content!

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 2nd Aug 2021

Under the Miskatonic Repository community content license, Call of Cthulhu fans can make their own work for use with the game line available to the public at DriveThruRPG, using guidelines, templates, and art provided by Chaosium. Here's more exciting new releases by community content creators! … read more
Out of the Suitcase #17: the first Appendix N

Out of the Suitcase #17: the first Appendix N

Posted by Michael O'Brien on 30th Jul 2021

Chaosium President Rick Meints shares stories from a life-time as a collector of all things Chaosium.Recently the Grognardia blog wrote about the strange serendipity between the bibliography in RuneQuest, which came out in 1978, and the bibliography in the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Dungeon Masters … read more