Return to Antarctica with the definitive reprint of this classic campaign for Call of Cthulhu!
Chaosium Unveiled: Inside Beyond the Mountains of Madness
Watch the unveiling video to see the book for yourself. Remember that you get the PDF when getting the physical copy.
What's Inside?
The long out-of-print Beyond The Mountains of Madness returns with a fully updated layout and sleek new printing coming in at over 400 pages.
A Playable Sequel

Beyond the Mountains of Madness is a direct sequel to the short story At The Mountains of Madness, in which an expedition from the Miskatonic University in Arkham discovers proof of ancient, alien life. The investigators of this campaign embark on a new expedition, seeking to finish what the first one started—and uncover the truth of what happened to their predecessors.
A Classic Campaign, Untouched

This printing of Beyond the Mountains of Madness is unchanged from the original vision of the authors. Rules are presented as they were for Call of Cthulhu fifth edition, though can be played with other editions with minor mechanical changes.
The Frozen Continent Revealed

Extensive information on Antarctica, including rules for mounting expeditions, and details for 1920s equipment. Expand your campaign, or develop your own Call of Cthulhu scenarios set in the white wastes of the South Pole!
Downloads for this Product
Order large printed maps and the expedition patch on Redbubble!
We have made them available to you through our Redbubble store in a variety of formats. Remember, PDFs of the maps are included with the bundled PDF purchases.
What The Critics Say
"Unique. Unprecedented. Jaw-gaping. Immersive. Engrossing. All these, and many more, are adjectives that describe BtMoM, and I am barely doing it justice... Everything is right about this reprint. The price is only USD 10 higher than the price of the 1999 edition, the product is a hardcover instead of a softcover, it has a classy integrated bookmark that you will use to death, a superior layout that is much easier to peruse, and includes the pdf!"
— Antonios S. RPGNet, Review of Beyond the Mountains of Madness (2021 Reprint).
“As far as I am concerned it’s the best “big campaign” ever published for the game… the campaign is absolutely stuffed both with interesting incidents along the way and a hideous discovery at the climax.”
— Refereeing and Reflection, a Cthulhu Railroad On Ice.
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Physical Product Name: [Beyond the Mountains of Madness - Hardcover]
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Product Footer
Footer Name:
- 1568821387
- Version:
- Call of Cthulhu 5.5, best with the current edition
- Format:
- Digital PDF
- Page Count:
- 444
- Authors:
- Charles and Janyce Engan
- Cover Artist:
- John T. Snyder
- Interior Artists:
- Paul Carrick, M. Wayne Miller, Michael Blum
One of the Best Campaigns
This is simply one of the best Call of Cthulhu campaigns ever published. The level of research and detail on the subject is fantastic, producing an epic game that transports the players to another time and place. More than just an historical exercise, BMM captures the sense of magnificent scale found in Lovecraft’s novella, and adds to the Mythos in a way generally only found in the best Mythos fiction. Designed for committed and imaginative players, the campaign unfolds in a slow-burn to eventually reach an apocalyptic pitch, and the mid-game twists are designed to test even the most intrepid group of characters. My only critique in that Beyond the Mountains of Madness has a few Edgar Allan Poe and John Campbell-based side-plots which were clearly left unfinished. Although the main campaign stands squarely on its own, I feel a revised version could develop these intriguing ideas more fully. And a note on the price: Considering that is selling the out-of-print book version of this campaign for $1200, this $20 PDF is quite a reasonable bargain! A note to Keepers downloading this campaign. I ran BMM in 2007–2008, and have placed several suggestions, additions, and expansions online at if you are interested.