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7th Sea Adventures: The Arrow of Heaven - PDF

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In lands that few have traveled in, lie ruins that fewer still even know the existence of. Explore the lost civilization of the Syrne and learn what secrets this ancient race left behind. Also included is the third part of the Explorer’s Society Source Book.


Play all three parts of the Erebus Cross

Part 1: The Lady's Favor - In the 7th Sea: Game Master's Screen

Part 2: Scoundrel's Folly

Part 3: The Arrow of Heaven

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Product Footer

Footer Name:[ChaosBrand7thSeaFirstEdition]

Rule Set:
1st Edition 7th Sea
Year Released:
Black & White PDF
Page Count:
Rob Vaux, John Wick, Jennifer Wick, Kevin Wilson
Cover Artist:
Carl Frank
Interior Artists:
Cris Dornaus, Dærick Gröss, Jim Pavelec, Jennifer Wick