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13th Age Glorantha - Hardcover

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Join us in Glorantha, Greg Stafford’s classic fantasy world of
richly imagined cultures, ferocious combat, and colliding mythologies.

Create your group’s unique Gloranthan campaign using 13th Age: the d20-rolling game of heroic fantasy, escalating combat, One Unique Things, and limb-ripping owlbears!

Developed by Rob Heinsoo and Jonathan Tweet.

Zorak Zoran - Troll Berserker

For Game Masters, 13th Age Glorantha includes:

  • More than 80 pages of monsters and enemies fully compatible with any 13th Age campaign, including Chaos priests, dragonsnails, scorpionmen, Crater Makers who call down the Moon, and the awesome Chaos demon known as the Crimson Bat.
  • More than 60 pages of ready-to-run adventures and heroquests—venture into myth to refight the battles of the gods and gain their cosmic powers!
  • A distinctive setting that will entertain longtime fans but is aimed at gamers who've never heard of Glorantha.

If you’re a 13th Age player you’ll find:

  • 5 new classes, including the hell mother who summons Darkness spirits and giant spiders; the swordmaster Humakti who wields Death; and the trickster who (in theory!) funnels your bad luck onto your enemies.
  • 5 new class variants, including the wind lord, a fighter with magical storm-related exploits; and the rebel, a rogue with the supernatural ability to get where he’s not supposed to be.
  • 2 new PC races, the trolls and ducks, plus Gloranthan humans with new cultural traits.

Spear Warrior



This is not a complete rule system

The 13th Age Core Rules are required to use this book. You can buy that from Pelgrane Press here.

What The Critics Say

  • "13th Age Glorantha is a stunning migration of the Glorantha setting to the acclaimed 13th Age games system, in a format that does full justice to both. A superb reframing of a classic RPG game world... Sheer Gaming Delight"

    — Paul StJohn MacIntosh, 13th Age Glorantha Review - RPG.Net.

  • "A 400+ page love letter to Greg Stafford’s World of Glorantha, one of the most extensively developed and renowned fantasy settings of all time"

    — ENWorld, 13th Age Glorantha Preview.

  • "13G gets an enthusiastic thumbs up... It is clear the authors love Glorantha, and their giddy enthusiasm is on every page"

    — Andrew Logan Montgomery, Exploring the Otherworlds of Fiction, Magic, and Gaming.

  • "So, if you are a D&D player (or, especially, a 13th Age player), and you want an accessible way to get into Glorantha that is going to give you a play experience that is familiar, 13G is right in your wheelhouse... 13G is just a joy to read. Most well written ttrpg rule books do their job in communicating the information they need to communicate effectively, but are not necessarily fun reads. 13th Age books, including 13G, are actually fun. Heinsoo and Tweet clearly love Glorantha, as it bleeds through on every page."

    — Play to See What Happens, Gaming in Glorantha Part 4 - 13th Age in Glorantha.

  • "There is a lot to like in this book… The conversational tone of the rules means that you never have to wonder why something was done in the game."

    — Gnome Stew, 13th Age Glorantha Review.

  • "Glorantha is such a rich place that it should be explored and loved by more gamers than it is... But, you regular gamer, you can play and run Glorantha, and relatively easily, too, without too much of a stick shift change in systems. You, oh GM of the weekly D&D group, can give your PCs the richness of Glorantha, too. Let me introduce you all next to 13th Age. 13th Age is my favorite of the current crop of D&D and D&D like games… (It is) is the fusion of these two that gives you a roleplaying experience in Glorantha, with the D&D like engine of 13th Age that you will find relatively easy to pick up."

    — Nerds of a Feather, 2018 Holiday Gift Guide.

  • "A well-designed combination of mechanics and setting which provides a truly majestic treatment of gaming in Glorantha."

    — Reviews from R’lyeh, Dungeons, Dragons, Glorantha.

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13th Age First Edition
Year Released:
Color PDF
Page Count:
Rob Heinsoo, Jonathan Tweet
Cover Artist(s):
Aaron McConnell & Lee Moyer
Interior Artists:
Jan Pospíšil, Dan Barker, Bernard Bittler, Mara Braun, Simon Bray, Caleb Cleveland, Jed Dougherty, Steve Ellis, Andrey Fetisov, Rich Fleider, Lisa Free, Chris Huth, Jennell Jaquays, Kalin Kadiev, Rachel Kahn, Jennifer Lange, Rhonda Libbey, Pat Loboyk
  • Full Star Full Star Full Star Full Star Full Star 5
    13th Ages Glorantha!

    Posted by Scott Shafer on 21st Jul 2021

    Wow! Out of all of the Glorantha books sold here, this is the one that hits the graphic design out of the park! The book is absolutely beautiful. In addition, the way that the content is organized around runes gives a new perspective on Glorantha itself. Whether or not you are interested in 13th Age, if you are interested in Glorantha then GET THIS BOOK!!! The information on Heroquests alone is highly informative. This book is a testament to how Your Glorantha May Vary. Highly Recommended!