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Chaosium Awards

Here's a partial list of the awards we've won over the years. We've lost track of some of our awards, so if you know of any that are not listed here, please contact us.

E. Gary Gygax Gygax Lifetime Achievement Award - Greg Stafford
Mike Hobbs Memorial Award (Grogmeet) - Paul Fricker - for "services to GROGMEET Jan25 and creating/coordinating Gatsby and The Great Race"
Origins Awards - Call of Cthulhu: No Time to Scream - Best RPG Supplement (nominee)

ENnie Awards - Call of Cthulhu inducted into the ENNIE Awards Hall of Fame
ENnie Awards - Alone Against the Static - Best Adventure - Long Form (Silver)
ENnie Awards - The Well of All Fear - Best Adventure - Short Form (Nominee)
ENnie Awards - The Well of All Fear - Best Community Content (Silver)
ENnie Awards - The Last Dance of Lola Montez - A Modern Call of Cthulhu Adventure - Best Community Content (Nominee)
ENnie Awards - Call of Cthulhu: Los Hobos and the Wolves of Carcosa - Best Community Content (Gold)
ENnie Awards - Arkham Investigator's Wallet (H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society) - Best Aid/Accessory - Non-Digital (Gold)
ENnie Awards - Arkham Investigator's Wallet (H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society) - Best Production Values (Gold)
ENnie Awards - Rivers of London: The Domestic - Best Free Game/Product (Gold)
ENnie Awards - William Bailey’s Haunted Mansion (Miskatonic Repository & actual play performance, Ballarat Heritage Festival) - Best Streaming Content (Silver)
ENnie Awards - Alone Against the Static - Best Writing (Gold)
ENnie Awards - Musketeers Vs Cthulhu (Nightfall Games) - Best Writing (Nominee)
Dragonmeet Awards - RuneQuest Starter Set - Best Adventure (Gold)
Fenix Awards - Northern Lights and Darkness Bundle (Miskatonic Repository) - Best Third Party or Community Content (Silver)
Fenix Awards - Räddaren i Nöden (The Savior in Need) - Best Roleplaying Product (Silver) (Swedish edition, Eloso Förlag)
Fenix Awards - Räddaren i Nöden (The Savior in Need) - Best Campaign/Adventure (Silver) (Swedish edition, Eloso Förlag)
Fenix Awards - Räddaren i Nöden (The Savior in Need) - Best Supplement (Silver) (Swedish edition, Eloso Förlag)
Fenix Awards - Räddaren i Nöden (The Savior in Need) - Best Design (Silver) (Swedish edition, Eloso Förlag)
No Dice Unrolled Awards - Alone Against the Static - Best Art (Nominee)
No Dice Unrolled Awards - Alone Against the Static - Best Supplement (Nominee)
No Dice Unrolled Awards - Basic Roleplaying Universal Game Engine - Best Art (Nominee)
No Dice Unrolled Awards - Basic Roleplaying Universal Game Engine - Best Mechanics (Nominee)
No Dice Unrolled Awards - Call of Cthulhu: Arkham - Best Art (Nominee)
No Dice Unrolled Awards - Call of Cthulhu: Arkham - Best Supplement (Nominee)
No Dice Unrolled Awards - The Blessed and the Blasphemous - Call of Cthulhu (Sons of the Singularity) - Best Art (nominee)
Polyhedron Collider - Horror on the Orient Express The Board Game - Best Game of UK Games Expo Award (aka 'It's Definitely Not Sh*t' award)
Victorian Community History Awards - William Bailey's Haunted Mansion (Miskatonic Repository & actual play performance, Ballarat Heritage Festival) - History Interpretation Award (Commendation)

Australian Role-Playing Industry Awards - Highways and Byways: A Wayfarer's Companion (Jonstown Compendium) - Best Cartography 
Australian Role-Playing Industry Awards - Alone Against the Static- Best Scenario (Honourable Mention)
Australian Role-Playing Industry Awards - The Stream of Chaos - Best Stream (Honourable Mention)
Board Game Quest - Horror on the Orient Express: The Board Game - Staff Pick of the Show (Gen Con 2023)
ENnie Awards - Rivers of London - Best Rules (Silver)
ENnie Awards - Host and Hostility: Three Regency Cthulhu Scenarios - Best Electronic Book (Silver)
ENnie Awards - Bookshops of Arkham - Best Podcast (Nominee)
ENnie Awards - Rivers of London - Product of the Year (Nominee)
Pocket Gamer Awards - Six Ages 2: The Lights Go Out (A Sharp) - Best Storytelling Game (Nominee)
Pocket Gamer Awards - Six Ages 2: The Lights Go Out (A Sharp) - Best Strategy Game (Nominee)
Pocket Gamer Awards - Six Ages 2: The Lights Go Out (A Sharp) - Mobile Game of the Year (Nominee)

Australian Role-Playing Industry Awards - The Stream of Chaos - Best TTRPG Stream
ENnie Awards - Cults of Cthulhu - Best Supplement (Gold)
ENnie Awards - Call of Cthulhu Masks of Nyarlathotep 3-D Props (TYPE40) - Best Best Aid/Accessory - Non-Digital (Silver)
ENnie Awards - Call of Cthulhu Classic Gamer Prop Set (H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society) - Best Production Values (Gold)
ENnie Awards - Call of Cthulhu Classic Gamer Prop Set (H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society) - Best Best Aid/Accessory - Non-Digital (Gold)
ENnie Awards - Call of Cthulhu Classic Gamer Prop Set (H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society) - Product of the Year (Silver)
PC Mag - Six Ages: Ride Like the Wind (A. Sharp) - Best iPad Games of 2022
Rock, Paper, Shotgun - Six Ages: Ride Like the Wind (A. Sharp) - #18 on 50 Best Strategy Games on PC list
Rock, Paper, Shotgun - Six Ages: Ride Like the Wind (A. Sharp) - #38 on 50 Best RPGs on PC list
Tabletop Awards - Lynne Hardy - 'Designer of the Year' (shortlisted)
Tabletop Gaming Awards - Call of Cthulhu - 'Best Way to Die in an RPG'
Tabletop Gaming Awards - Call of Cthulhu Masks of Nyarlathotep 3-D Props (TYPE40) - Outside the Box Award for Best Add-in Accessory (runner-up)

ENnie Awards - A Rough Guide to Glamour (Jonstown Compendium) - Best Organised Play (Gold)
ENnie Awards - Hand of Glory (Miskatonic Repository) - Best Organised Play (Silver)
ENnie Awards - Citizens of the Lunar Empire (Jonstown Compendium) - Best Organised Play (Nominee)
Graal d'Or Awards, Festival International des Jeux de Cannes - RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha - Best Reissue (French edition, Studio Deadcrows)

Australian Role-Playing Industry Awards - Reign of Terror - Best Scenario
ENnie Awards - Berlin the Wicked City - Best Setting (Gold)
ENnie Awards - Berlin the Wicked City - Best Art - Cover (Gold)
ENnie Awards - Harlem Unbound 2nd Edition - Best Art - Cover (Nominee)
ENnie Awards - Refractions of Glasston (Miskatonic Repository) - Judge's Spotlight Award
Pocket Gamer Awards - Six Ages 2: The Lights Go Out (A Sharp) - Best Storytelling Game (Nominee)
Prix Rôliste Prize - Berlin the Wicked City / Berlin, la dépravée (EDGE) - Best Cover Art
Spectrum 27 Awards - 'The Three Lords of Shambhala' by Sija Hong in The Children of Fear - Silver Award
UK Games Expo Awards - Berlin the Wicked City - Best Role-Playing Expansion - Judge's Award
UK Games Expo Awards - Berlin the Wicked City - Best Role-Playing Expansion - People's Choice Award
UK Games Expo Awards - Paladin: Warriors of Charlemagne - Best Role-Playing Game - Judge's Award

Dragon Con Awards - Masks of Nyarlathotep - Best Science Fiction or Fantasy Miniatures/Collectible Card/Role Playing Game
ENnie Awards - Masks of Nyarlathotep - Best Adventure (Gold)
ENnie Awards - Terror Australis - Best Art - Cover (Gold)
ENnie Awards - RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha - Best Interior Art (Gold)
ENnie Awards - Miskatonic University:The Restricted Collection - Best RPG Related Product (Silver)
ENnie Awards - Call of Cthulhu Starter Set - Best Rules (Gold)
ENnie Awards - Terror Australis - Best Setting (Silver)
ENnie Awards - The Glorantha Sourcebook - Best Supplement (Gold)
ENnie Awards - Chaosium Inc - Fan’s Choice Best Publisher (Gold)
ENnie Awards - Masks of Nyarlathotep Dark Adventure Radio Theatre (H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society) - Best RPG-related Product (Gold)
ENnie Awards - Masks of Nyarlathotep Gamer Prop Set (H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society) - Best Aid/Accessory, Non-Digital (Gold)
ENnie Awards - Masks of Nyarlathotep Gamer Prop Set (H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society) - Product of the Year (Gold)
Origins Awards - Masks of Nyarlathotep - Best RPG Supplement (Nominee)
UK Games Expo Awards - Petersen's Abominations - Best Role-Playing Adventure - Nominee
UK Games Expo Awards - RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha - Best Role-Playing Game - Nominee
UK Games Expo Awards - 13th Age Glorantha - Best Role-Playing Game Expansion- Nominee

ENnie Awards - Khan of Khans - Best RPG Related Product (Gold)
ENnie Awards - Khan of Khans - Best Family Product (Gold)
ENnie Awards - Reign of Terror - Best Supplement (Gold)
ENnie Awards - RuneQuest Quickstart & Adventure - Best Free Product (Gold)
ENnie Awards - Down Darker Trails - Best Monster/Adversary (Silver)
ENnie Awards - Chaosium Inc - Fan’s Favorite Publisher (Silver)
ENnie Awards - The Two Headed Serpent - Best Adventure (Nominee)
ENnie Awards - Down Darker Trails - Best Art, Cover (Nominee)
ENnie Awards - The Grand Grimoire of Cthulhu Mythos Magic - Best Production Values (Nominee)
Origins Awards - Call of Cthulhu the Coloring Book - Best Game accessory (Nominee)
Origins Awards - The Two-headed Serpent - Best RPG Supplement (Nominee)
Origins Awards - The Grand Grimoire of Cthulhu Mythos Magic - Best RPG Supplement (Nominee)
Tabletop Gaming Magazine 'Top 150 Greatest Games of All Time' - Call of Cthulhu - Ranked #3 (Reader Poll)
Tabletop Gaming Magazine 'Top 150 Greatest Games of All Time' - RuneQuest - Ranked #9 (Reader Poll)
Tabletop Gaming Magazine 'Top 150 Greatest Games of All Time' - King Arthur Pendragon - Ranked #75 (Reader Poll)
UK Games Expo Awards - The Two-Headed Serpent - Best Roleplaying Adventure
UK Games Expo Awards - Down Darker Trails - Best Roleplaying Game Expansion

Beasts of War Awards - Call of Cthulhu 7th Ed - Best RPG
Dragon Con Awards - Pulp Cthulhu - Best Science Fiction or Fantasy Miniatures/Collectible Card/Role Playing Game
ENnie Awards - Call of Cthulhu Investigator Handbook - Best Cover Art (Gold)
ENnie Awards - S. Petersen’s Field Guide to Lovecraftian Horrors - Best Interior Art (Gold)
ENnie Awards - Call of Cthulhu Keeper Screen Pack - Best Cartography (Gold)
ENnie Awards - Call of Cthulhu Slipcase Set - Best Production Values (Gold)
ENnie Awards - Call of Cthulhu Keeper Screen Pack - Best Aid/Accessory (Gold)
ENnie Awards - Call of Cthulhu the Coloring Book - Best RPG Related Product (Gold)
ENnie Awards - S. Petersen’s Field Guide to Lovecraftian Horrors - Best Adversary/Monster (Gold)
ENnie Awards - Doors to Darkness - Best Adventure (Silver)
ENnie Awards - Pulp Cthulhu - Best Supplement (Gold)
ENnie Awards - Chaosium Inc - Fan’s Favorite Publisher (Silver)
ENnie Awards - Doors to Darkness - Product of the Year (Nominee)
Rock, Paper, Shotgun - King of Dragon Pass (A. Sharp) - #5 on 50 best strategy games on PC List

UK Games Expo - Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition - Best Roleplaying Game
World Fantasy Awards - Cassilda’s Song - Finalist – Best Anthology
World Fantasy Awards - ‘The Neurastheniac’ (Selena Chambers) in Cassilda’s Song - Finalist – Best Short Story

ENnie Awards - Horror on the Orient Express - Best Adventure (Gold)
ENnie Awards - Horror on the Orient Express - Best Production Values (Silver)
ENnie Awards - The Guide to Glorantha (with Moon Design Publications) - Best Cartography (Silver)
ENnie Awards - Horror on the Orient Express - Best Cartography (Nominee)
ENnie Awards - The Guide to Glorantha (with Moon Design Publications) - Product of the Year (Nominee)
ENnie Awards - Horror on the Orient Express - Product of the Year (Nominee)
The Diana Jones Award - The Guide to Glorantha (with Moon Design Publications) - 'Excellence in Gaming' Award

ENnie Awards - Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition Quickstart - Best Free Product (Silver)

Charles S. Roberts Awards - King of Daron Pass (A. Sharp) - Best Science-Fiction or Fantasy Computer Wargame (Nominee)
ENnie Awards - Mythic Iceland - Best Setting (Silver)

ENnie Awards - Cthulhu by Gaslight - Best Supplement (Gold)
ENnie Awards - Cthulhu by Gaslight - Best Art - Cover (Silver)

Hobby Games - The 100 Best (ed. by James Lowder) - Call of Cthulhu, Ghostbuster, Pendragon, Prince Valiant, RuneQuest - selected for inclusion
Origins Award - King Arthur Pendragon - Hall of Fame
The Diana Jones Award - Greg Stafford for The Great Pendragon Campaign (with White Wolf Publishing) - 'Excellence in Gaming' Award

ENnie Awards - Cthulhu Dark Ages - Best non-d20 RPG

Number One Gothic/Horror RPG - Call of Cthulhu - As voted as by readers of

Awarded by the University of Toronto School of Psychiatry - Unseen Masters - Mary Seeman Award in the area of Psychiatry and Humanities for the background given on mental health and addiction
Origins Award - Call of Cthulhu 20th anniversary edition - Best Graphic Presentation of a Book Product
Origins Award - Unseen Masters - Best Roleplaying game adventure

Independent Games Festival - King of Dragon Pass (A. Sharp) - Best Visual Arts Award 

Origins Award - Beyond the Mountains of Madness - Best Role Playing Adventure
Origins Award - 'Just a Tad Beyond Innsmouth' - Best Game-Related Short Work

Origins Award - Starry Wisdom - Best Amateur Game Magazine
Origins Award - 'A Fourty Share in Innsmouth' - Best Game-Related Short Fiction
Wiener Spiele Mischung - Mythos: New Aeon - Best Collectable Card Game

À la carte Card Game Prize, Fairplay Magazine - Mythos - Top Ten (10th)
Origins Award - 
Mythos - Best Collectable Card Game
Origins Award - Masks of Nyarlathotep - Best Roleplaying Adventure
Origins Award - Cthulhu For President - Best Game Accessory
Origins Award - Cthulhu Cycle - Best Game-Related Fiction
Wiener Spiele Mischung - Mythos: Dreamlands - Best Collectable Card Game

Origins Award - Call of Cthulhu - Hall of Fame
Origins Award - Cthulhu's Heirs - Best Game-Related Fiction
Origins Award - Encyclopedia Cthulhiana - Special Achievement

Gamer's Choice Award - Call of Cthulhu - Hall of Fame
Gamer's Choice Award - Sandy Petersen - Favorite Designer

Leeds Wargame Club - Call of Cthulhu - Best Role Playing Game

Origins Award - Horror on the Orient Express - Best Roleplaying Adventure
Origins Award - Horror on the Orient Express - Best Graphic Presentation of an RPG

Gamer's Choice Award - Cthulhu Casebook - Best Role Playing Adventure
Origins Award - King Arthur Pendragon - Best Role Playing Rules

Origins Award - Great Old Ones - Best Role Playing Adventure
Origins Award - Creatures of the Dreamlands - Best Role Playing Supplement
Origins Award - Creatures of the Dreamlands - Best Graphic Presentation
Origins Award - Sandy Petersen - Hall of Fame
Readercon Small Press Award - Creatures of the Dreamlands - Best Interior Illustration

Origins Award - Petersen’s Field Guide to Cthulhu Monsters - Best Graphic Presentation of an RPG

Origins Award - Arkham Horror - Best Fantasy Boardgame
Origins Award - Tournament of Dreams - Best Role Playing Adventure
Origins Award - M.U. Graduate Kit - Best Graphic Presentation

Gamer's Choice Award - Cthulhu by Gaslight - Best Role Playing Accessory
Gamer's Choice Award - Spawn of Azathoth - Best Role Playing Adventure
Games Day Award - Call of Cthulhu - Best Other Role Playing Game
Origins Award - Greg Stafford - Hall of Fame
Origins Award - Cthulhu By Gaslight - Best Role Playing Supplement

Games Day Award - Masks of Nyarlathotep - Best Role Playing Adventure
H.G. Wells Award (Origins) - Ghostbusters (with West End Games) - Best Role Playing Rules

Origins Award - The Great Pendragon Campaign - Best Role Playing Supplement

Games Day Award - Call of Cthulhu - Best Contemporary Role Playing Game
Games Day Award - Chaosium Inc. - Best Manufacturer
Games Day Award - Shadows of Yog-Sothoth - Best Role Playing Adventure

Games Day Award - Scorpion Hall - Best Solo Adventure
Games Day Award - RuneQuest - Best Role Playing Game

Games Day Award - Dragon Pass - Best Fantasy Boardgame
Games Day Award - Griffin Mountain - Best Role Playing Scenario
Games Day Award - RuneQuest - Best Role Playing Game

Games Day Award - Dragon Pass - Best Fantasy Boardgame
Games Day Award - Griffin Mountain - Best Roleplaying Scenario
Games Day Award - Stormbringer - Best New Game
Game Designers Guild - Shadows of Yog-Sothoth - Select Award
Game Designer's Guild - Trollpack - Select Award
Origins Award - Call of Cthulhu - Best Role Playing Game
Origins Award - Thieves’ World - Best Role Playing Adventure

Charles S. Roberts Awards - Dragon Pass - Best Fantasy Board Game (Nominee)
Charles S. Roberts Awards - Elric - Best Fantasy Board Game (Nominee)

Game Designer's Guild - 
Stormbringer - Select Award
Game Designer's Guild - Call of Cthulhu - Select Award
Game Designer's Guild - Thieves’ World - Select Award
Origins Award - Chaosium Inc.- In Appreciation
Strategist's Club Award - Call of Cthulhu - Outstanding Game
Strategist's Club Award - Dragon Pass - Outstanding Boardgame
Strategist's Club Award - Vive L'Empereur - Outstanding Miniatures Rules

Playboy Winner's Guide to Board Games - RuneQuest - inclusion in 100 Best Games

Game Designer's Guild - Lords of the Middle Sea - Select Award
Strategists Club Award - RuneQuest - Outstanding Miniatures Rules

Charles S. Roberts Awards - White Bear and Red Moon - Best Fantasy Board Game (Nominee)